The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Equiano think slaveholders in the West Indies are hypocrites?
(a) Because they say they oppose slavery.
(b) Because they say they value education, but they do not allow their slaves to learn to read and write.
(c) Because they say they are Christians but they never go to church.
(d) Because they are so cruel to their slaves but they claim to be Christians.

2. What is different about the second slave ship?
(a) The captain is mostly interested in hunting whales.
(b) There is no crew, and the slaves do all the work on the ship.
(c) The slaves have to stay below deck.
(d) The slaves are treated better.

3. What does Equiano think is "magic" on the slave ships?
(a) The oranges and lemons the sailors use to prevent scurvy.
(b) The stoves the cooks use to heat food on the ship.
(c) Mermaids and monsters they see in the water.
(d) How the sailors make the ship move and stop.

4. When Equiano feels an earthquake during the night, what does he think it is?
(a) Kids shaking his bed to play a prank.
(b) Ghosts.
(c) A dream.
(d) He thinks he's on a ship in rough waters.

5. What does Equiano's second West Indies owner promise to do for him later?
(a) Set him free at the age of 21.
(b) Send him to England to work in an office there.
(c) Let him join the navy.
(d) Send him to Philadelphia and make him a clerk.

6. Who does Pascal sell Equiano to?
(a) Captain Doran.
(b) Miss Guerins.
(c) Benjamin Franklin.
(d) Richard Baker.

7. What do the crew do to Equiano when he refuses to eat?
(a) Beat him.
(b) Ignore him.
(c) Make him walk the plank.
(d) Beg him to eat.

8. Why does Equiano think that he and Pascal spend a whole year waiting for orders on the Isle of Wight?
(a) Because the Isle of Wight is under quarantine for the Black Plague.
(b) Because the English king died.
(c) Because Pascal is going to be demoted.
(d) Because the British navy is reconsidering the use of slaves on their ships.

9. After the war is over, where do Pascal and Equiano go?
(a) Virginia to visit Equiano's former master, where Pascal purchased him.
(b) Paris.
(c) London to collect pay from the navy.
(d) Montserrat to start a sugar plantation.

10. When Equiano gets the opportunity to sail away with Farmer's ship, what does he do?
(a) Doesn't take the ship.
(b) Sails away, but gets lost.
(c) Sails to Africa.
(d) Sails to Philadelphia.

11. What does Equiano's first name, Olaudah, mean?
(a) Slave.
(b) Fortunate, or having a loud voice.
(c) Scar on the forehead.
(d) Village elder.

12. Why does Equiano sail to so many places in the Atlantic?
(a) Because Pascal has told Equiano he can go anywhere he wants.
(b) Because Pascal is on vacation.
(c) Because Pascal is trying to find a place to set the slaves free.
(d) Because Pascal's job requires him to move around.

13. How does Equiano feel about traveling to Philadelphia?
(a) Excited.
(b) Frightened.
(c) Sad.
(d) Angry.

14. In 1761, when Equiano's ship is accidentally rammed by another English ship, what does Equiano think is a miracle?
(a) A recent Christian convert escapes death even though his entire cabin is destroyed.
(b) Equiano's hearing is restored.
(c) Equiano survives by floating on a coffin.
(d) Pascal is killed, so Equiano is free.

15. What island in the West Indies does Equiano's new owner take him to?
(a) Haiti.
(b) Cuba.
(c) Montserrat.
(d) Santo Domingo.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Equiano so lonely in Virginia?

2. How does the cruelty of the slaveholders affect Equiano's attitude toward Christianity?

3. What does Equiano say that Biblical scholars have said about Africans?

4. When he is taken on board the slave ship, what does Equiano fear?

5. Why does Equiano stop eating on the slave ship?

(see the answer keys)

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