The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What work does Equiano do for the owner who takes him to the West Indies?
(a) Boat repair.
(b) Buying and selling other slaves.
(c) Loading and unloading ships.
(d) Accounting.

2. How do the Eboe dress?
(a) They go naked, except for a small loin cloth.
(b) The men wear pants and white shirts, and the women wear long, colorful dresses.
(c) Both men and women wrap a single piece of blue fabric around their bodies.
(d) Wealthier Eboe people wear elaborate costumes made of feathers, precious gems, and animal skin, but poor Eboe are nearly naked.

3. What kind of work do most Eboe people do?
(a) Factory work.
(b) They are servants for rich white settlers from England.
(c) Diamond mining.
(d) Farming.

4. How do Eboe people acquire slaves?
(a) Any boy who refuses to be circumcised is made a slave.
(b) They take slaves from other groups thorugh war or trade.
(c) People sell their own children to be slaves.
(d) Children who have darker skin than others are marked for slavery at birth.

5. How does Equiano say the Eboe punish adultery?
(a) A woman found to have committed adultery could be punished with death or slavery.
(b) Adultery is not punished by the Eboe at all.
(c) Adultery is punished by making people wear a scarlet letter "A" on their clothing.
(d) Only men are punished for adultery, usually with death.

6. When he is taken on board the slave ship, what does Equiano fear?
(a) That he will be eaten by sharks.
(b) That he will be eaten by the white people.
(c) That he will fall overboard.
(d) That he will have to fight other young boys on shipboard.

7. Why does Captain Farmer want Equiano to work for him?
(a) Because Equiano saved Farmer's life.
(b) Because Equiano knows Latin.
(c) Because Equiano is such a hard worker.
(d) Because Equiano knows how to heal with herbs.

8. Which statement best describes the Eboe's living arrangements?
(a) Every married couple has their own house, but single people and children all live in one big dormitory.
(b) Men and women have separate living quarters.
(c) Men and women live separately except for the first three years they are married.
(d) Women and children live indoors, but men sleep outside in hammocks.

9. Why does Equiano get baptized?
(a) Because he has converted to Islam.
(b) Because the Eboe practiced baptism, too.
(c) Because he doesn't understand that baptism is a religious act.
(d) Because an Englishwoman he visits tells him he can't get into heaven otherwise.

10. While he's in Philadelphia, who tells Equiano that he won't be a slave long?
(a) Thomas Jefferson.
(b) Mrs. Davis.
(c) Benjamin Franklin.
(d) Mrs. Thomas.

11. Which of the following best describes the way Equiano goes to work for Farmer?
(a) Equiano runs away in order to work for Farmer.
(b) Farmer steals Equiano from King.
(c) King sells Equiano to Farmer.
(d) King agrees to allow Equiano to work for Farmer, but King is still Equiano's owner.

12. Why is Equiano so lonely in Virginia?
(a) The other slaves don't like him.
(b) He doesn't speak English, and the other slaves don't speak his language.
(c) He is the only child on the plantation.
(d) He is the only slave on the plantation.

13. Why do Eboe merchants kiss the food they are offering for sale?
(a) To show that they love their work.
(b) To prove that it is not poisoned.
(c) To prove that it tastes good.
(d) To show respect to God.

14. During the last year of the war, what are Equiano and Pascal doing?
(a) They are on a ship that is blockading the French for most of the year.
(b) Pascal is cleaning the decks because he has been demoted and Equiano helps him.
(c) They are on Montserrat.
(d) They are stuck on the Isle of Wight until the end of the war.

15. Why does Equiano want to learn navigation?
(a) In case he ever has an opportunity to escape by sailing away.
(b) In case the first mate dies, to avoid the ship being lost.
(c) He's interested in astronomy.
(d) Knowing navigation will make him more valuable as a slave, so King will sell him to a richer master.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Equiano explain the difference in skin color between Europeans and Africans?

2. What does Equiano see while doing his job at the battle at Gibraltar?

3. Who does Equiano become friends with after he is purchased by Pascal?

4. What does Equiano think is "magic" on the slave ships?

5. What new things does Equiano see in England that amaze him?

(see the answer keys)

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