The Homeric Hymns Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Homeric Hymns Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. As stated in the hymn, which King welcomes Demeter into his home?

2. What metaphor is made to the sun's journey in The Hymn to the Sun?

3. As described by the poet, what kind of wings do Castor and Pollux use to shoot across the sky?

4. Based on the hymn, how did the men that Hephaistos represents live?

5. In the poet's prayer at the conclusion of The Hymn to the Sun, what does he hope that his life will satisfy?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the main characteristics of Athena?

2. How does Demeter reward the kindness of Celeus and Metanira and what is the result?

3. How is the birth of Aphrodite explained in The Second Hymn to Aphrodite?

4. Who is Hephaistos and what is he known for?

5. What type of goddess is Demeter and how many hymns are dedicated to her?

6. How is Athena's birth described in The Hymn to Athena?

7. What is Aphrodite known for, and which three goddesses cannot be influenced by her?

8. What is the explanation of the seasons according to the myths?

9. What metaphor is used to describe the moon in The Hymn to the Moon?

10. Who is Aphrodite attracted to and what is her plan?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Muses are an important part of the connection between the gods/goddesses and humanity.

1) Describe the influence of the Muses and what areas of life they affect.

2) Explain who the main people are that are influenced by the Muses and why.

3) Describe the ways that the Muses are included in hymns (besides The Hymn to the Muses) and the value of their participation.

Essay Topic 2

Nature is a major element that is explored in Greek mythology.

1) Explain The Hymn to the Earth and the ways that Earth's blessings are manifested, using the hymn to provide examples of the Earth's characteristics and qualities, as well as what the poet gives her credit for and why.

2) Analyze the metaphors that are used in The Hymn to the Sun and The Hymn to the Moon along with the different powers that both the sun and moon possess.

3) Explain the origin of Castor and Pollux and what their existence means to the Greeks and nature.

Essay Topic 3

Compare Zeus and Poseidon in terms of characteristics, skills, reputation, and influence. Also, explain some of the possible reasons why the hymns for both Zeus and Poseidon might have been so short. Use The Hymn to Zeus and The Hymn to Poseidon as a reference to support your analysis.

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