The History of the Kings of Britain Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Kings of Britain Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Three: The Coming of the Romans.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Humber, the king of the Huns, lands in Albanctus' lands and does what?
(a) Kills the civilians.
(b) Kills the ruler.
(c) Steals livestock.
(d) Takes the ruler hostage.

2. Androgeus drafts a letter that is sent to Caesar pleading for aide. How do Caesar's advisers counsel the ruler?
(a) Not to go into Britain on Androgeus' word alone.
(b) To go to Britain immediately.
(c) Not to go into Britain at any time.
(d) To write a letter to Androgeus telling him he will not be available.

3. Nennius dies fifteen days later from a wound inflicted by Caesar and is buried with what?
(a) Caesar's sword.
(b) His crown.
(c) His sword.
(d) His comrades.

4. Brutus decides to surprise Pandrasus' forces by night but will need the help of whom?
(a) One of the Gauls.
(b) One of the Britons.
(c) One of the Romans.
(d) One of the Greeks.

5. Brutus surprises Pandrasus' forces and drives them to slaughter where?
(a) In France.
(b) Outside the castle.
(c) In a nearby river.
(d) In a clearing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are many readers already familiar with King Leir's story?

2. Why does Corineus become enraged when he hears Locrinus is infatuated with Estrilidis?

3. Julius Caesar says that the Britons descend from the same stock as the Romans. What is the result of them living so far away?

4. Brutus secures the castle and leaves 600 soldiers to guard it while he goes out to tell the Trojan people of his recent victory. Pandrasus decides to attack the fortress by night. Is he successful in wearing down the Trojans inside?

5. To where does Caesar retreat?

(see the answer key)

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