The History of the Kings of Britain Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of the Kings of Britain Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Three: The Coming of the Romans.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For how long does Gwendolen reign?
(a) Fifteen years.
(b) Thirteen years.
(c) Fourteen years.
(d) Twelve years.

2. Geoffrey's dedication is a request that his benefactor, Alexander, ___________________.
(a) Receive the text favorably.
(b) Read his book.
(c) Promote his book.
(d) Financially support him.

3. Androgeus drafts a letter that is sent to Caesar pleading for aide. How do Caesar's advisers counsel the ruler?
(a) Not to go into Britain at any time.
(b) To go to Britain immediately.
(c) Not to go into Britain on Androgeus' word alone.
(d) To write a letter to Androgeus telling him he will not be available.

4. Why are many readers already familiar with King Leir's story?
(a) He is the king in Romeo and Juliet.
(b) Due to this book.
(c) Due to Shakespeare's play, King Lear.
(d) He is the character in fairy tales.

5. Where does Locrinus hide Estrildis?
(a) In a barn.
(b) In peasant's home.
(c) In a cave beneath the town.
(d) In his bed chambers.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what name was the Severn River changed?

2. When Corineus dies, what does Locrinus do?

3. Julius Caesar says that the Britons descend from the same stock as the Romans. What is the result of them living so far away?

4. Brutus sends a letter to King Pandrasus asking for what?

5. Humber, the king of the Huns, lands in Albanctus' lands and does what?

(see the answer key)

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