The History of Sexuality: An Introduction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The History of Sexuality: An Introduction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2 , Chapter 1, The Incitement to Discourse.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a statement that Foucault makes?
(a) Western man has been drawn for three centuries to the task of telling everything concerning his sex.
(b) Analytical sexual discourse was meant to yield displacement, intensification, reorientation, and modification of desire.
(c) The propagation of sexual discourse was the pivotal factor in the re-establishing of socio economic boundaries.
(d) Since the classical age there has been an optimization and valorization of sexual discourse.

2. Per Foucault, what was the affect of power exercised over sex?
(a) It created polymorphous sexualities.
(b) It confined sexuality to the home between married couples.
(c) It caused an increase in religious ferver.
(d) It subjugated the lower classes.

3. Which statement is least correct, according to Foucault, about pedagogical institutions in the eighteenth century?
(a) They have multiplied forms of discourse on sexuality of children.
(b) They have coded contents and qualified speakers regarding sex and children.
(c) They have imposed ponderous silence on the sex of children.
(d) They have established various points of implantation for sex.

4. Per Foucault, what happened the "will to knowledge" about sexuality under the taboo of sexuality?
(a) It was nearly extinguished by imposed silence.
(b) It became the domain of the upper classes and those in power.
(c) It led to the creation of the science of sexuality.
(d) It was driven underground and become occult.

5. What does Foucault say was true about sexuality at the beginning of the seventeenth century?
(a) It was considered by all to be the ethical and moral challenge of the age.
(b) All forms of sexuality were highly condemed by the church.
(c) There were high consequences for any deviation from the socially accepted mores of the era.
(d) There was little secrecy, and openness and frankness about the illicit were common.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the two places of tolerance to arise as a result of the confinement of sexuality?

2. How did the scheme for transforming sex into discourse become a rule for everyone?

3. Toward the beginning of the eighteenth century, in which of the following areas was there NOT an incitement to talk about sex?

4. Which of the following is NOT true, according to Foucault, about children's sex in the eighteenth century?

5. What is the connection Foucault makes between the author of "My Secret Life" and the peasant Jouy?

(see the answer key)

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