The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Hard

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Good Nurse Test | Final Test - Hard

Charles Graeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Part II: Chapter 43, Tim called the manufacturer of what hospital computer device?

2. One of the nurses from Saint Luke’s had testified that when Charles Cullen worked the CCU, they’d average how many Code Blues a month, according to the author in Part II: Chapter 35?

3. On what date did Pat Medellin tell her story about her suspicions of Charles Cullen to an acquaintance who worked with the Easton Police Department, according to the author in Part II: Chapter 35?

4. The author states in Part II: Chapter 29 that the first bodies Tim Braun ever saw were when he was working as a security guard at what hospital?

5. How far along in her pregnancy did Tim Braun say Charlie’s girlfriend was in Part II: Chapter 56?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information did Tim Braun find for Charles Cullen through the computer system in Part II: Chapter 32?

2. Where did Danny Bowers go to obtain more information for the investigation in Part II: Chapter 35?

3. What new records had Danny and Tim obtained from Somerset Medical in Part II: Chapter 43? What did Danny and Tim glean from the reports?

4. Who conducted and observed the autopsy of McKinley Crews in Part II: Chapter 30? What was concluded?

5. What did Tim Braun learn when he called the Pyxis manufacturer in Part II: Chapter 43?

6. What revelations did Amy Loughren have when studying Charles Cullen’s charts in Part II: Chapter 49?

7. What had Tim Braun and Danny Bowers discovered about Charles Cullen’s work history in Part II: Chapter 33?

8. What did Tim Braun suggest to the Somerset County Prosecutor in Part II: Chapter 36? How did the Prosecutor respond?

9. What did Amy say to Charles Cullen during their lunch date in Part II: Chapter 59?

10. Where had Charles Cullen been hired in Part II: Chapter 56? How was this revealed to the detectives?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss Charles Cullen’s legal battles in the summer of 1993. Who represented Cullen in his divorce case? Who represented Cullen in the trial regarding his trespassing and stalking? What were the outcomes of these cases?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the decision of Warren Hospital to call Charles Cullen and ask him to return to work there. In what ways was this an ill-advised choice? What did Warren administrators know of Cullen’s arrest for stalking his coworker? Do you think that Warren Hospital is partly to blame for the actions of Charles Cullen in any way? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Analyze and discuss Charles Cullen’s relationship with Catherine Westerer. When and where did Charles meet Catherine? What drew her to him? Did Catherine observe the same questionable behaviors in Charles that his first wife had?

(see the answer keys)

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