The Golden Goblet Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden Goblet Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Ranofer feel relieved the day after he broke into Gebu's room?
(a) He was starting a Zau's shop.
(b) Gebu gave him enough money for breakfast and dinner.
(c) He did not have to go to the stonecutter shop that day.
(d) He did not think Gebu even looked at the seal.

2. What frightens Ranofer as he is looking where Gebu disappeared?
(a) A snake.
(b) A noise.
(c) A cat.
(d) A bird.

3. What does Ranofer think about what the Ancient overheard?
(a) That Setma had sold the goblet.
(b) That the queen will apprentice him to Zau.
(c) That he would be apprenticed to Rekh.
(d) That Gebu will bring the goblet home.

4. What does Ranofer suspect Gebu of?
(a) Stealing from the river boats.
(b) Pretending to be his brother.
(c) Stealing from the palace.
(d) Robbing tombs.

5. What do the friends find out when they share notes?
(a) That Gebu has a girlfriend.
(b) They have found out nothing.
(c) That Wenamon is blackmailing Gebu.
(d) That Gebu has a new job.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ranofer remember about the royals and the Festival?

2. Where are Wenamon and Gebu when Ranofer peeks into a room in the tomb?

3. What kind of job does Setma have?

4. Why do you think Ranofer is following Gebu?

5. What does Ranofer ask for when the queen wants to give him a reward?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the three friends decide to do at the tombs after Ranofer meets with them?

2. How much information are the friends gathering and why didn't Ranofer follow Gebu one night in Chapter 10?

3. What does Ranofer do when Gebu does not give him any supper and what does he find?

4. What does Ranofer realize about Gebu's possessions and what do the three friends decide to do?

5. What does Ranofer think about the whole day after his actions looking for food the night before and what does he finally decide to do?

6. In Chapter 9 how does Ranofer feel when he goes to work? What does Gebu do at his job and what does Ranofer realize when he studies Gebu?

7. What does Ranofer decide to do because of the goblet and what is Heqet's response?

8. What holiday is approaching and what do the three friends decide to do about it?

9. What are Heqet and the Ancient doing while Ranofer is trying to catch Gebu?

10. How does Ranofer know whose tomb he is in and how does he alert Gebu about his presence?

(see the answer keys)

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