The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Hard

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Hard

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who shows up at Russo's private gambling club in order to kill Russo?

2. When does Nick's shaking problem first manifest itself?

3. Who does the would-be assassin kill as Castro's motorcade drives by?

4. Where does the fourth man playing golf with Tom, Hal, and Michael actually work?

5. While Nick is meeting with the person he traveled to Sicily to see, he mentions that a certain traitor needs to be dealt with. Who is the traitor?

Short Essay Questions

1. After meeting Joe Lucadello, Tom is suspicious of him. Why?

2. Why does Michael make it a point to attend the funeral for baby Carmela, even though neither Francesca's twin sister nor Billy's parents attend the funeral?

3. Describe the semi-retirement arrangement that Michael tells Nick he's putting into place as he turns the day-to-day reins over to Nick.

4. When she's six months pregnant, Francesca feels unloved and trapped in her marriage. Why?

5. According to the conversation between Nick and his father, why does Sal suggest that Forlenza hide Nick after the plane crash?

6. According to what Kay tells Michael at the Inaugural Ball, why does she leave their marriage?

7. Explain why Michael and Nick have ended 1961 in a stalemate.

8. After Francesca returns home after killing her husband, why does Kathy get on a bus and leave town instead of staying to help her sister grieve?

9. While the women are preparing dinner at the Corleone compound in Lake Tahoe, Tom and Michael discuss Billy Van Arsdale's career. Why has Billy's career stalled?

10. When Francesca finally confronts Billy as to why she does not like Michael, what does Billy tell Francesca?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In many ways, the novel is a series of contrasts designed to heighten the reader's awareness and draw the reader deeper into the story and the intricacies of each of the story's characters. Identify at least three contrasts that are used in the novel. Describe these contrasts and determine how they impact the story's plot, as well as the reader's emotional involvement in the characters' lives. If these identified contrasts were not included in the story, what impact would their absence have on the story line, the characters' development, and the readers' involvement?

Essay Topic 2

Michael Corleone and Joe Lucadello work together during two different periods in their lives. Describe the circumstances surrounding each of these periods in which the men work together. Then, examine how the first circumstances and the relationships the men developed early in their lives impacted the circumstances surrounding their second meeting.

Essay Topic 3

The author uses several different literary techniques as the story is told in regard to the story's flow. Describe the techniques of both flashbacks and foreshadowing. How are each of these techniques used in the story? Give specific examples of each technique. Why might the author have chosen to use both of these techniques in the story? Is the story enhanced by the use of these two techniques? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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