The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Nick travel to Sicily with his family to meet?
(a) Don Russo.
(b) Don Narducci.
(c) Don Forlenza.
(d) Don Indelicato.

2. Who orders the hit on Don Forlenza?
(a) Michael.
(b) Rudy.
(c) Sal.
(d) Louie.

3. Where does the person offering to relocate Nick arrange to send him to?
(a) Sicily.
(b) London.
(c) Madrid.
(d) Barcelona.

4. According to Forlenza's information, who sabotages Nick's plane?
(a) Sal.
(b) Louie.
(c) Pete.
(d) Michael.

5. Where does Nick decide to hide out when he goes underground?
(a) On Cape Cod.
(b) In Paris.
(c) In Sicily.
(d) On Rattlesnake Island.

6. After moving from their original apartment to a larger apartment in the Bronx, Fredo announced the profession he wanted to pursue. What does Fredo want to be?
(a) A racketeer.
(b) A pilot.
(c) An enforcer.
(d) A priest.

7. Who helps to cover up the involvement of the Corleone's in the failed Castro assassination attempt?
(a) The CIA Director.
(b) The FBI Director.
(c) The Attorney General.
(d) The Italian Ambassador.

8. Who makes an unplanned visit to surprise Francesca?
(a) Tom.
(b) Michael.
(c) Connie.
(d) Kathy.

9. What is the name that Nick gives to Fredo's cemetery project?
(a) Colma East.
(b) Cemente East.
(c) Chica East.
(d) Cisco East.

10. In retirement, Michael is planning to use his connections with whom to legalize gambling in Atlantic City?
(a) The President of the United States.
(b) The Senator from New Jersey.
(c) The Governor of New Jersey.
(d) The District Attorney of New Jersey.

11. Michael is worried that without the money from the casinos in Cuba that another family will become too powerful. Who is Michael worried about?
(a) Don Russo.
(b) Don Molinari.
(c) Don Forlenza.
(d) Don Narducci.

12. Two days after his final television show, Fredo is shot to death. Who shoots Fredo?
(a) Narducci.
(b) Forlenza.
(c) Corleone.
(d) Neri.

13. At one of the parties she and Billy make an appearance at, Francesca runs into someone she hasn't seen since her wedding three years earlier. Who does Francesca run into?
(a) Michael.
(b) Kay.
(c) Sal.
(d) Pete.

14. Before Nick can place the hit on Sal, who has already arranged for the hit, albeit secretly?
(a) Michael.
(b) Pete.
(c) Al.
(d) Rudy.

15. When Tom plays golf with Michael and Hal, who is the fourth man playing with them?
(a) Joe Lucadello.
(b) Joe Mitchell.
(c) Joe Carlisle.
(d) Joe Corleone.

Short Answer Questions

1. After returning to his home from the funeral for Francesca's baby, how many people does Johnny add to his estate staff?

2. When Nick's father tells Nick that they need to discuss important business, where do they decide to hold that meeting?

3. What is the name of Nick's youngest daughter?

4. When does Michael meet the fourth man he introduces to Tom at the golf course?

5. When Michael announces that he is retiring, who does Michael name as his successor?

(see the answer keys)

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