The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Godfather Returns Test | Final Test - Easy

Mark Winegardner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Michael is worried that without the money from the casinos in Cuba that another family will become too powerful. Who is Michael worried about?
(a) Don Narducci.
(b) Don Forlenza.
(c) Don Molinari.
(d) Don Russo.

2. Who is arrested and charged with Billy's murder?
(a) Billy's girlfriend.
(b) Billy's wife.
(c) Billy's uncle.
(d) Billy's nephew.

3. When Michael and Tom are in Michael's suite discussing the fourth man's proposed hit, how does Tom initially react to the assassination proposal?
(a) Tom walks out of the room.
(b) Tom shoots Michael.
(c) Tom threatens to quit.
(d) Tom volunteers for the job.

4. When Michael and Tom are in Michael's suite discussing the fourth man's proposed hit, who knocks at the door to see if there is a deal?
(a) Don Forlenza.
(b) President Shea.
(c) Don Molinari.
(d) Ambassador Shea.

5. Who returns Johnny's call to the White House?
(a) The President's secretary.
(b) Ambassador Shea.
(c) President Shea.
(d) The President's Chief of Staff.

6. Who witnesses Fredo's shooting at the lake?
(a) Sal.
(b) Anthony.
(c) Figaro.
(d) Sonny.

7. Who does Fontane count as his "best friend"?
(a) Fausto Geraci.
(b) James Shea.
(c) Fredo Corleone.
(d) Sal Narducci.

8. While in New York, who dies from a heart attack while standing over a hot grill?
(a) Pete Clemenza.
(b) Nick Geraci.
(c) Louie Russo.
(d) Michael Corleone.

9. While Nick is meeting with the person he traveled to Sicily to see, he mentions that a certain traitor needs to be dealt with. Who is the traitor?
(a) Michael Corleone.
(b) Louie Russo.
(c) Sal Narducci.
(d) Al Neri.

10. Tom is worried that once the hit is completed, they will be killed by the governmental agency behind the assassination plot. Who will Michael use to ensure his family's safety?
(a) Rudy.
(b) Francesca.
(c) Kathy.
(d) Billy.

11. Who does Michael appoint to help his successor transition into his new role?
(a) Stefani.
(b) Hagen.
(c) Geraci.
(d) Narducci.

12. Where does the fourth man playing golf with Tom, Hal, and Michael actually work?
(a) The CIA.
(b) The IRS.
(c) The FBI.
(d) The CBT.

13. Who orders the hit on Don Forlenza?
(a) Louie.
(b) Sal.
(c) Rudy.
(d) Michael.

14. Who does Nick travel to Sicily with his family to meet?
(a) Don Forlenza.
(b) Don Indelicato.
(c) Don Russo.
(d) Don Narducci.

15. When the government finally decides to proceed with the assassination attempt on Castro, they only send in one man. Who do they send?
(a) Nick.
(b) Carmine.
(c) Al.
(d) Louie.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many times has a woman in Francesca's family miscarried before Francesca loses her baby?

2. At the end of the surprise by Francesca and the kids at his office, what has Billy forgotten completely about?

3. In Nick's opinion, who is the perfect person for the assassination job in Cuba?

4. What is the name that Nick gives to Fredo's cemetery project?

5. While Nick is meeting with the person he traveled to Sicily to see, he requests the names of several men that Nick can set up in legitimate business in the U.S. that are not Mafia-affiliated, but can be called upon when needed. What business will Nick set them up running?

(see the answer keys)

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