Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Victor Krum supposed to save from the lake?
(a) Karkaroff.
(b) Hermione.
(c) His best friend.
(d) His little brother.

2. How does Voldemort call his followers to him in the cemetery?
(a) He sends some owls to fetch them.
(b) They appear as they feel his power growing.
(c) He casts a summoning spell.
(d) He touches the mark on Wormtail's arm.

3. What do Harry and and his friends do to Malfoy and his friends on the train after the school year has ended?
(a) Ignore them.
(b) Threaten to spread the news that their fathers are Death Eaters.
(c) Chase them away with a flurry of spells.
(d) Fight them.

4. What does Hagrid do after reading an article by Rita Skeeter?
(a) Resigns from his teaching job.
(b) Writes a strongly worded letter.
(c) Asks Dumbledore to teach his course for him.
(d) Cancels his subscription to the Daily Prophet.

5. What is the name of the snake that Harry sees while he is dreaming in Divination class?
(a) Nutrani.
(b) Nagini.
(c) Norganu.
(d) Nitanti.

6. How does Harry return to Hogwarts from the cemetery after fighting Voldermort?
(a) He uses the portkey.
(b) He uses a reverse summoning spell.
(c) Dumbledore uses a summoning spell.
(d) He apparates.

7. Whose grave are Harry and Cedric standing on when they get to the cemetery?
(a) Tom Riddle's.
(b) Salazar Slytherin's.
(c) James Potter's.
(d) Godric Gryffindor's.

8. What does Snape think Harry stole from his office?
(a) A potions book.
(b) Eye of newt.
(c) Gillyweed.
(d) Polyjuice potion.

9. How does Harry sneak into the prefect's restroom?
(a) He uses the invisibility cloak and the marauders map.
(b) He uses a spell to keep the door locked while he is there.
(c) He has Dobby keep watch for him.
(d) He uses the key that Cedric lends him.

10. Why is Percy present at the Yule Ball?
(a) He was hired as a chaperone.
(b) He is one of the extra body guards for Mr. Crouch.
(c) He wanted to see his brothers dance.
(d) He is standing in for Mr. Crouch who is ill.

11. How is Voldemort's servant at Hogwarts made to tell his true story?
(a) He tells the story hoping to not be killed.
(b) He tells it out of pride before attempting to kill them all.
(c) He is given a truth serum.
(d) Dumbledore places a spell on him.

12. Who is Hermione's secret date to the Yule Ball?
(a) Fred Weasley.
(b) Neville Longbottom.
(c) Viktor Krum.
(d) Cedric Diggory.

13. What does Harry do after talking to Ludo Bagman?
(a) Takes a bath.
(b) Tells Dumbledore what happened.
(c) Does some homework.
(d) Talks to Dumbledore.

14. How long does Harry have in between the Yule Ball and the second challenge?
(a) 6 days.
(b) 5 weeks.
(c) 6 weeks.
(d) 5 days.

15. What makes Harry feel a little bit better about Cedric's death at the end of the book?
(a) Cedric's father hugs Harry and thanks him for being Cedric's friend.
(b) Dumbledore reassures him that Harry did not cause Cedric's death.
(c) The Diggorys do not blame Harry.
(d) He knows Cedric felt no pain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Harry's response to the scolding letter he receives from Sirius?

2. Who placed Harry's name in the Goblet?

3. What surprising person does Harry see on his Marauder's Map after unlocking the clue of the egg?

4. What does Rita Skeeter write about Hermione after the second challenge?

5. What happens when Harry opens the egg under water?

(see the answer keys)

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