The Glass Room Test | Final Test - Medium

Simon Mawer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Room Test | Final Test - Medium

Simon Mawer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Lanik admit to having watched undress one time in "Lanik"?
(a) Liesel.
(b) Hana.
(c) Ottilie.
(d) Zdenka.

2. When the train finally takes off in "Ocean," Liesel is dejected because she realizes what fact about her husband?
(a) Never loved her.
(b) Is already married.
(c) Has children by another woman.
(d) Is leaving her.

3. In "Concert" Hana takes Stahl to the Glass Room, where Hana shows him _________ in evening sunlight?
(a) The garden patio.
(b) The marble wall.
(c) The iron gate.
(d) The onyx wall.

4. In "Leaving," Hana reveals in a letter that she is sleeping with Stahl for money because all of Oskar's money and possessions have been __________.
(a) Taken to America.
(b) Seized.
(c) Buried.
(d) Sold.

5. What was the name of Stahl's wife?
(a) Zdenka.
(b) Hedda.
(c) Marika.
(d) Kata.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Lanik's position at the Landauer House?

2. Whom does the official tell to go to the hut in "Ocean"?

3. In "Confession," Zdenka receives a call from whom, requesting a meeting?

4. The team of scientists who begin a laboratory in the Landauer house in "Occupation" are trying to find quantifiable differences between ______________.

5. Who, according to Liesel during an argument, is Victor's responsibility during their argument in "Ocean"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes the train with the Landauers to stop in "Ocean"?

2. What is Stahl's response when Hana tells him she is pregnant in "Storm"?

3. What does Hana reveal in her letter to Liesel in "Leaving"?

4. What is metaphorical about the story told in "Ondine"? How does this myth relate to Tomas?

5. What takes place in the line outside the train in "Ocean"?

6. What obstacles do the Landauers face in "Flight"?

7. Describe the encounter between Stahl and Hana in "Encounter." What strikes Stahl about Hana?

8. What does Liesel dream about in "Dissolution"? What letter does she receive?

9. What does Hana's character symbolize in the novel? What purpose does she serve in the narrative?

10. How is the end of the war described in "Soviets"?

(see the answer keys)

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