The Girl Who Owned a City Test | Final Test - Medium

O.T. Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Girl Who Owned a City Test | Final Test - Medium

O.T. Nelson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lisa say she can't tell Jill and the others the location of the warehouse?
(a) She's afraid too many people going there will give away the location.
(b) She's afraid someone will go there and she'll lose control.
(c) She doesn't say.
(d) She's afraid the Chidester gang would torture someone into telling.

2. What does Lisa debate as she's preparing to walk out the door?
(a) What she should tell the children.
(b) How to create a better defense.
(c) How to tell the children that Craig is gone.
(d) Whether she's safe.

3. What does Lisa say Jill will someday do?
(a) Make an important discover.
(b) Take over running the city.
(c) Leave to start a hospital.
(d) Leave to work on Craig's farm.

4. What is the idea Lisa comes up with to recapture the city?
(a) To find another army to beat Tom Logan's army.
(b) To pretend to be a ghost and scare Tom Logan.
(c) To bribe Tom Logan.
(d) To sneak in and take Tom Logan captive.

5. Why does Charlie say he had to temporarily stop training the dogs?
(a) He doesn't have winter clothing for the cold temperatures.
(b) The dogs have all run away.
(c) He's been too busy helping with other jobs.
(d) His footprints would have led the enemy to the school.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Craig say the windows of the lower floors can be made secure?

2. What does Lisa try when the children won't share their toys?

3. What does Todd say most of the children in the city believe about Lisa?

4. What does Jill give Lisa to drink when she wakes?

5. What does one of Jill's orphaned children suggest they do to make people happier?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Lisa say everyone is so intent on fighting and why does she say she isn't going to give up?

2. What are the reasons Lisa gives for defending her statement that she owns the city?

3. How does the king from Lisa's story make money and how is this different from kings in other stories?

4. Describe the conversation between Lisa and Todd when Todd enters the chamber.

5. What is it that Todd is supposed to do once he's inside the city?

6. Describe the operation on Lisa's bullet wound.

7. What does Tom tell Lisa when she arrives in the chamber?

8. Briefly describe what Lisa says to Tom when they are alone in the chamber.

9. What does Lisa do in the first days after her house burns and what does she feel during this time?

10. What do Lisa and her group find in Villa Park and why don't they stop there?

(see the answer keys)

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