The Ginger Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ginger Man Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. O'Keefe tells Dangerfield that Tony Malarkey spends all his days __________________-.
(a) drinking.
(b) making toys.
(c) staring into space.
(d) reading.

2. What is included with the letter from the person in #113?
(a) Key.
(b) Money.
(c) Photos.
(d) Eviction notice.

3. What is the friend in #88 pawning at the shop?
(a) Ring.
(b) Watch.
(c) Guitar.
(d) Steak.

4. Where does Dangerfield rent a room?
(a) In a rowhouse.
(b) In a boardinghouse.
(c) In a Victorian house.
(d) In a hostel.

5. MacDoon gives Dangerfield a statue of __________________.
(a) Franklin D. Roosevelt.
(b) Winston Churchill.
(c) Douglas MacArthur.
(d) Oliver Plunkett's head.

6. What does Mary comment on when she sees Dangerfield naked for his bath?
(a) How thin he is.
(b) How broad his shoulders are.
(c) How he has gained some weight.
(d) How hairy he is.

7. Which of the following is NOT a topic in the item received in the mail?
(a) A broken lease.
(b) The amount of inheritance.
(c) A notice of debts.
(d) Unacceptable condition of the rental home.

8. Dangerfield tells Miss Frost that he is going to call her ___________________.
(a) Love muffin.
(b) Dollface.
(c) Lilly.
(d) Dumpling.

9. When is Marion coming back?
(a) Never.
(b) In a couple weeks.
(c) In a month.
(d) Next week.

10. Mary tells Dangerfield that her brothers have gone __________________.
(a) to the States.
(b) to their uncle's home.
(c) to the beach for a holiday.
(d) to boarding school.

11. What name does Dangerfield tell Mary to use when she corresponds with him?
(a) James Hall IV.
(b) Percivil Bettermere.
(c) Clayton Whittington.
(d) Lord Darlington.

12. What are the rumors O'Keefe has heard about Dangerfield?
(a) His illness.
(b) His alcoholism.
(c) His scholarships.
(d) His affairs.

13. What news does O'Keefe share with Dangerfield when he meets him in Dublin?
(a) He is going back to America.
(b) He has finally had sex.
(c) He is getting married.
(d) He has a new job in Italy.

14. O'Keefe tells Dangerfield that he had lost his nerve to ___________________.
(a) get married.
(b) return to law school.
(c) buy a car.
(d) go to a prostitute.

15. Which of the following is NOT part of the meal that Miss Frost prepares?
(a) Muffins.
(b) Tea.
(c) Eggs.
(d) Bacon.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Dangerfield's dream he buys millions of ______________.

2. Which friend does Dangerfield phone from his hotel?

3. How long do Dangerfield and Mary stay in Dangerfield's room before emerging again?

4. Why does Dangerfield call his landlady during dinner?

5. From whom does Dangerfield receive a surprise letter?

(see the answer keys)

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