The Ginger Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ginger Man Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Marion furious when she returns home?
(a) Dangerfield forgot to pick her up from the train station.
(b) There are another woman's clothes lying on the living room floor.
(c) She was in a car accident on the way home.
(d) Dangerfield has burned the dinner.

2. What does Dangerfield do when he realizes his social gaffe on the train?
(a) He goes to the bar.
(b) He changes seats.
(c) He runs out of the train.
(d) He laughs.

3. What does Chris prepare for Dangerfield when he says he has been attacked in the bar?
(a) Buttered rum.
(b) Tea.
(c) Hot chocolate.
(d) Mulled wine.

4. What puts Dangerfield in a good mood?
(a) Getting his G.I.Bill check.
(b) Being with a prostitute.
(c) Getting drunk.
(d) A letter from his father.

5. Why did Dangerfield once touch the decapitated head of Blessed Oliver Plunkett?
(a) Morbidity.
(b) It is good luck.
(c) Faith.
(d) Curiosity.

6. What does Dangerfield bring back to Marion as a peace offering?
(a) Roses.
(b) Perfume.
(c) Chocolates.
(d) Fashion magazine.

7. Where do Dangerfield and O'Keefe get their money?
(a) Disability.
(b) Wealthy parents.
(c) Part time jobs.
(d) G.I. Bill checks.

8. Where does Marion want Dangerfield to get some money?
(a) His father.
(b) A university loan.
(c) A credit union.
(d) His brother.

9. Who is Dangerfield's wife?
(a) Anna.
(b) Judith.
(c) Marion.
(d) Celeste.

10. What news does Dangerfield get from O'Keefe?
(a) He got married.
(b) He is still a virgin.
(c) He has been very sick.
(d) He is moving back to the States.

11. O'Keefe asks Dangerfield about the money Dangerfield owes him because O'Keefe is saving up for _______________.
(a) a car.
(b) a prostitute.
(c) a house.
(d) a new wardrobe.

12. Why does Marion slap Dangerfield?
(a) He tells her she is not a good mother.
(b) He insults her father.
(c) He has lipstick on his cheek.
(d) He says she is fat.

13. Who is the woman that Dangerfield meets in the park?
(a) Maddie.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Sara.
(d) Christine.

14. Where does Dangerfield take Felicity?
(a) The circus.
(b) The toy store.
(c) The grocery.
(d) The park.

15. What letter does Dangerfield tap in Morse Code on Chris' door?
(a) Go to a sex addiction clinic.
(b) D.
(c) F.
(d) S.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dangerfield buy in a store on the way home from the bus station?

2. What cannot be purchased in Catholic Dublin?

3. What does Dangerfield do to calm himself after a fight with Marion?

4. What does Chris bring with her when she returns home from work?

5. What does Dangerfield steal while trying to get away from the people in the pub?

(see the answer keys)

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