The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 12) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Greg have to sit between on the plane?
(a) Two heavyset women.
(b) Two heavyset men.
(c) Two kids.
(d) Couple with a baby.

2. On Tuesday, why does Greg not go swimming in the pool?
(a) Too cold.
(b) Too crowded.
(c) He's too tired.
(d) He feels sick to his stomach.

3. What can Greg see from the balcony in his parents' room at the resort?
(a) Aquarium.
(b) Pool on the Wild Side.
(c) Ocean.
(d) Amusement park.

4. Who does Greg share a room with at the resort?
(a) Rodrick and Manny.
(b) No one.
(c) Manny.
(d) Rodrick.

5. What does the gate agent first offer a volunteer to give up a their seat?
(a) $400 and a free night at the airport hotel.
(b) $150 and a free night at the airport hotel.
(c) $200 and a free night at the airport hotel.
(d) $300 and a free night at the airport hotel.

6. Where is the only place that Greg can charge his electronics while he is waiting to board the plane?
(a) 4 gates down.
(b) Near the women's restroom.
(c) 2 gates down.
(d) Near the men's restroom.

7. Where does Greg's family have to park at the airport?
(a) Main parking.
(b) Economy parking.
(c) Lot a block from the airport.
(d) Lot across from the airport.

8. What are seats covered in in the first class section of the plane?
(a) Brown leather.
(b) Blue plastic.
(c) Red plastic.
(d) Real leather.

9. What does Greg hope to do in the bathroom?
(a) Swim.
(b) Get room service.
(c) Watch TV.
(d) Sleep.

10. On page 69, what activity does Greg want to do at the resort?
(a) Parasail.
(b) Swim with dolphins.
(c) Surfboard.
(d) Snorkle.

11. What day is it when the plane lands?
(a) Monday.
(b) Thursday.
(c) Tuesday.
(d) Wednesday.

12. What does the staff at Isla de Corales hand Greg's parents when they get to the resort?
(a) Wine.
(b) Margaritas.
(c) Frozen drinks.
(d) Drinks with little umbrellas in them.

13. What does Greg do when he realizes that the people sitting around him are not watching the safety video?
(a) Makes them put down their magazines and listen.
(b) Makes them stop using their electronic devices.
(c) Makes them quit talking.
(d) Makes them take out their headphones and listen.

14. About how far is it for from where Greg and his father park at the airport to the terminal?
(a) About 1 1/2 miles.
(b) About 3/4 mile.
(c) About a mile.
(d) About 1/2 mile.

15. When Greg's family travels, where does he usually have to sleep?
(a) Share a bed with Rodrick.
(b) Floor.
(c) Foldout chair.
(d) Cot or sofa bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Greg say that the guys are wearing who take their luggage to put it in their room?

2. What is one thing the grownup side of the resort has that the family side does not?

3. What does the flight attendent give Greg when he says he is hungry?

4. What is in the bathroom that impresses Greg?

5. How does Greg feel about cold or bad weather?

(see the answer keys)

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