The Foxfire Book Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Foxfire Book Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What bit the preacher in Daniel's story?
(a) Bear.
(b) Dog.
(c) Rattlesnake.
(d) Beaver.

2. What term do the mountain people use to describe houses, meadows or caves that they will refuse to enter?
(a) Snake bitten.
(b) Snakey.
(c) Snake like.
(d) Snake infested.

3. What is it that whited the apples in the bleaching process?
(a) Sulfur.
(b) Lyme.
(c) Beta-dine.
(d) Bleach.

4. Which of following is NOT a remedy for arthritis.
(a) Whip your face with a rabbit's foot.
(b) Make tea from alfalfa seeds or leaves.
(c) Use a magnet to draw it out of your body.
(d) Drink a honey, vinegar and moonshine mixutre.

5. What do most healers claim will happen if others hear them speak the words that God has given them to speak to heal someone?
(a) The person listening will go deaf over a period of time.
(b) God ignores the request to heal the person.
(c) God will transfer the gift.
(d) The healer will loose their power.

6. What does Grady Waldroop cut off of the turkey and leave for the old man along with a note?
(a) A foot.
(b) A tail feather.
(c) A wing.
(d) The head.

7. What does the healer, Charley Tyler, say causes Thrush?
(a) A cat in the house.
(b) Letting the child be dirty too long.
(c) Letting the child put somethin dirty in his mouth.
(d) Condemnation from God.

8. What is the process of laying fruit out on trays in front of the fire called?
(a) Blazing.
(b) Dehydrating.
(c) Drying.
(d) Scorching.

9. How long should the carcass of a possum be soaked before cooking to eat?
(a) Forty-eight hours.
(b) Doesn't have to be soaked.
(c) At least overnight.
(d) Two hours.

10. What were the October Beans used as a substitute for?
(a) Soup beans.
(b) Black eyed peas.
(c) Potatoes.
(d) Meat.

11. What is often mixed with hog brains when being cooked?
(a) Eggs.
(b) Potatoes.
(c) Fish.
(d) Chicken.

12. What does the sweet potato do to indicate a harsh winter?
(a) Put's on a winter coat.
(b) Produce very few.
(c) Grow a tougher skin.
(d) Produce more heavily.

13. What is Andy Webb's turkey call made out of?
(a) White Oak.
(b) Piece of hollowed out wood.
(c) Cown horn.
(d) An old modified tin whistle.

14. What does the syrup in Syrup Bread replace?
(a) Water.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Vanilla.
(d) Honey.

15. How do you cure cramps in your feet?
(a) Put a Bible at the foot of the bed.
(b) Put pine leaves in your shoes.
(c) Walk barefoot on a wood fence.
(d) Turn your shoes upside down before going to bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Daniel live in?

2. What did a steady diet of acorns do to the meat of a hog?

3. Why is it typically unnecessary for farmers to hunt for food in the forest?

4. What does Bill Lamb tell Buck Carver he is scared of?

5. What farm animal is rumored to eat snakes?

(see the answer keys)

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