The Foxfire Book Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Foxfire Book Test | Final Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What bit the preacher in Daniel's story?
(a) Rattlesnake.
(b) Beaver.
(c) Dog.
(d) Bear.

2. Which of the following was said to cure asthma?
(a) Sleep in the dog's bed.
(b) Suck salty water up your nose.
(c) Avoid any food that was picked or killed in a month with an R.
(d) Tie maple leaves in your hair and leave them.

3. What is at the beginning of the chapter titled 'Planting by the Signs?'
(a) Days best for writing a magazine.
(b) Bible scriptures.
(c) The reasons the students wrote this article.
(d) Quotes from farmers.

4. What does Grady Waldroop cut off of the turkey and leave for the old man along with a note?
(a) A tail feather.
(b) A wing.
(c) The head.
(d) A foot.

5. What is the process of laying fruit out on trays in front of the fire called?
(a) Drying.
(b) Dehydrating.
(c) Blazing.
(d) Scorching.

6. What do the students write the 'Faith Healing ' chapter admit in reference to their own beliefs about faith healing?
(a) They don't believe in it.
(b) They want badly for it too work.
(c) They are skeptical.
(d) They have absolutely no opinion about it.

7. What kind of dog was preferred for hunting rabbit?
(a) Mutt.
(b) Basset.
(c) Terrier.
(d) Beagle.

8. What is often mixed with hog brains when being cooked?
(a) Potatoes.
(b) Eggs.
(c) Chicken.
(d) Fish.

9. Why is it typically unnecessary for farmers to hunt for food in the forest?
(a) It's a mystery.
(b) They keep enough of their own livestock.
(c) They keep track of where the forst animals are and take them when asleep.
(d) They can easily set out traps.

10. What do the squirrels do if it is going to be a bad winter?
(a) Begin to get sick.
(b) Gather nuts late.
(c) Gather nuts early.
(d) Fight each other for food.

11. What does Bill Lamb tell Buck Carver he is scared of?
(a) The dark.
(b) Boogers.
(c) Painters.
(d) Predators.

12. What did a steady diet of acorns do to the meat of a hog?
(a) Made it salty.
(b) Made it bitter.
(c) No one ever paid any attention.
(d) Had no effect.

13. What can you do with deer meat?
(a) Cure it.
(b) Smoke it.
(c) Put it in souse.
(d) Eat it raw.

14. What type of milk should be used when churning butter?
(a) Skim milk.
(b) Butter milk.
(c) Rich milk, mostly cream.
(d) Fresh milk.

15. What is said to have been the prime source of meat for the early family in the mountains?
(a) Hog.
(b) Possum.
(c) Chicken.
(d) Deer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it said that a joint snake can do?

2. What do most healers claim will happen if others hear them speak the words that God has given them to speak to heal someone?

3. What farm animal is rumored to eat snakes?

4. What do the students say that stories about hunting inevitably turn to?

5. When was hog killing generally done?

(see the answer keys)

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