The Foxfire Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Foxfire Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eliot Wigginton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Foxfire first start out as?
(a) Book Series.
(b) Small Newspaper.
(c) Magazine.
(d) Oral Report.

2. How many copies of Foxfire are printed the very first time it is printed?
(a) A Thousand.
(b) Six Hundred.
(c) They Lost Count.
(d) Two Hundred.

3. What does the Watt family leave their home to do as described by Mrs. Watts?
(a) Get supplies from the store.
(b) See a car.
(c) Go find a doctor.
(d) Get a new dog.

4. What does Mrs. Watts say her brothers used pine to build?
(a) Sled.
(b) Bikes.
(c) Bows and Arrows.
(d) Wagon.

5. What kind of ashes does Pearl Martin say they typically used?
(a) Pine.
(b) Cherry.
(c) Hickory.
(d) White Oak.

6. What has caused the loss of the fine art of building a genuine log cabin?
(a) Desire for unique looking houses.
(b) European influence.
(c) Trend toward an easier life.
(d) Lack of trees.

7. What year was Foxfire established?
(a) 1985.
(b) 1979.
(c) 1968.
(d) 1958.

8. Which of the following national groups have supported Foxfire?
(a) People.
(b) Discovery.
(c) N.R.A.
(d) National Geographic.

9. What was "This is the Way I was Raised Up" written on?
(a) Cardboard Box.
(b) Tissue.
(c) Back of the People Magazine.
(d) Small piece of paper.

10. Why is the wood for chairs usually gathered in the winter or fall?
(a) Because sap levels are lowest then.
(b) Because this is the time of year when the trees begin to slow their growing.
(c) This is when the barks show the best woods.
(d) It is the time best for allowing the trees to set out and cure.

11. How long do the students say it took them to gather information about building the log cabin?
(a) A full year.
(b) An entire summer.
(c) Six months.
(d) Two weeks.

12. What did Dan's father say to do if the limbs on the white oak droop?
(a) Take that tree.
(b) Cut off the limbs and let it be for a week.
(c) Let the tree stand.
(d) Avoid all trees within a twenty foot spread of that one.

13. What does Mrs. Watts say she and her brothers received one Christmas from Santa Clause?
(a) An apple and a bag of marbles.
(b) Pig tails and a lump of coal.
(c) A candy bar and some new socks.
(d) Three pieces of candy and an orange.

14. What did a chimney have to do so that it didn't smoke?
(a) Face southeast.
(b) Go straight up.
(c) Have a hole under it to let the ashes fall out.
(d) Draw.

15. Which of these methods was not a way to cure wood?
(a) Boil.
(b) Use Dry Kiln.
(c) Salt the Ends.
(d) Stack the Lumber Crosswise.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Watts say was their reaction to the gifts that Santa Clause had left them?

2. What does Wigginton say is NOT a primary concern in the magazine?

3. What are the students responsible for getting when Foxfire is first started?

4. What had the Foxfire magazine's purpose started out being when they looked into writing about quilts?

5. What kind of grease does Pearl Martin say she usually likes to use in her soap, although you can use most any kind?

(see the answer keys)

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