The Four Loves Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Four Loves Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lewis observes that a person who truly appreciates a cross-section of humanity is capable of interacting with people from which of the following?
(a) A different lifestyle from theirs.
(b) All walks of life.
(c) From a scholarly community.
(d) From the affluent part of town.

2. According to Lewis, what type of patriotism level is required for leaders to undertake wicked actions?
(a) Unhealthy level.
(b) Low level.
(c) Healthy level.
(d) High level.

3. What topic does Lewis focus on at the opening of the introduction to his book?
(a) How he fell in love with his wife.
(b) How he decided to write about love.
(c) How he loved his immediate family.
(d) How he learned to love God.

4. Who, according to Lewis, is more likely to be consumed by love?
(a) A person who loves absolutely.
(b) A person who loves spontaneously.
(c) A person who loves sporadically.
(d) A person who loves superficially.

5. Which of the following does Lewis cite as being at the bottom of love?
(a) Like.
(b) Appreciation.
(c) Reverence.
(d) Notice.

6. According to Lewis, when bestowed upon which of the following, admiration can be deemed as appreciative love?
(a) A parent.
(b) A musical composition.
(c) Art.
(d) A woman.

7. Unlike affection, Lewis writes, people feel that they have to take action in order to attract which of the following?
(a) Friendship or erotic love.
(b) Self-assurance and worth.
(c) Dignity and respect.
(d) Love and security.

8. Dirt, writes Lewis in the introduction to his book, is clean as long as it remains on the ground, and not on which of the following?
(a) Hospital floor.
(b) Kitchen floor.
(c) Library floor.
(d) Church altar.

9. Which of the following elements does Lewis attribute to making people judge others by themselves?
(a) Religion.
(b) Contemplation.
(c) Age.
(d) Human emotion.

10. In the analogy example presented by Lewis, the individual he cites is standing atop which of the following in relation to his ultimate destination?
(a) A flight of stairs.
(b) A skyscraper.
(c) A bridge.
(d) A cliff.

11. Lewis writes that many people have problems doing which of the following in relation to truth?
(a) Telling it.
(b) Facing it.
(c) Discerning it.
(d) Avoiding it.

12. Who, if anyone, does Lewis cite as "waiting" at the ultimate destination that he mentions that the individual in his example is trying to reach?
(a) His parents.
(b) God.
(c) No one.
(d) His sibling(s).

13. Which of the following does Lewis cite as not inherent in affection?
(a) Loyalty.
(b) Deep bonds.
(c) Respect.
(d) Admiration.

14. What aspect within their lives do people tend to place most importance upon (along with themselves) in order to put themselves in the best possible light?
(a) Their country.
(b) Their neighborhood.
(c) Their parents.
(d) Their children.

15. In Lewis' example of an individual making his way toward his ultimate destination, each movement that he makes puts him at which of the following distances from his goal?
(a) Closer in absolute distance.
(b) Farther in absolute distance.
(c) Closer in actual distance.
(d) Equidistant from his destination.

Short Answer Questions

1. What of the following can consume a person and take over his/her life, according to Lewis?

2. What does Lewis cite as having encountered as he was preparing himself to write his book?

3. Which of the following best describes Lewis' introduction to his book?

4. Which of the following can be correlated to patriotism?

5. Affection can transcend education, gender, social class, and which of the following?

(see the answer keys)

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