The Finisher Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Finisher Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who fired an employee that was working on the Wall in QUADRAGINTA DUO: “A Bit of Mischief”?
(a) John Jane.
(b) Newton Tilt.
(c) Jurik Krone.
(d) Ezekiel.

2. What creature brings Vega a message and gift from Thansius in QUINQUAGINTA DUO: “The End of the Beginning”?
(a) A creta.
(b) An adar.
(c) A maniack.
(d) A frek.

3. When Vega enters the Hall of Truth, she sees Quentin Herms running through the Quag being chased by what creatures?
(a) Cretas.
(b) Jabbits.
(c) Freks.
(d) Cobbles.

4. Who is Vega Jane slated to fight in the final round of the Duelum in QUADRAGINTA SEPTEM: “Dust to Dust”?
(a) Ladon-Tosh.
(b) Delph.
(c) Duf Delphia.
(d) Quentin Herms.

5. What does the cobble say the punishment is for trespassing in the Hall of Truth in TRIGINTA SEPTEM: “A Case of Cobbles”?
(a) Marriage.
(b) Death.
(c) Banishment.
(d) Transformation.

6. At the end of the novel, what does Vega Jane use to heal Delph and Harry Two?
(a) The Adder Stone.
(b) Virgil’s ring.
(c) The Elemental.
(d) Destin.

7. The word “amaroc” used in the novel is derived from the name “Amarok,” a gigantic wolf in what mythological system?
(a) Roman mythology.
(b) Celtic mythology.
(c) Greek mythology.
(d) Inuit mythology.

8. According to the banner that Vega sees, all male Wugs between what ages must participate?
(a) 15-30.
(b) 16-25.
(c) 15-24.
(d) 14-30.

9. What kind of surgery has been performed on Duf Delphia when Vega reaches the hospital in QUADRAGINTA UNUS: “Slivers Too Few”?
(a) His arm was amputated.
(b) He has had a kidney transplant.
(c) He has had his appendix removed.
(d) His legs have been amputated.

10. What does Cletus Loon do as Vega’s hand is raised in victory after her first Duelum fight?
(a) He spits on her.
(b) He punches her in the face.
(c) He punches Delph.
(d) He shoots her with a morta.

11. What lines the walls of the Hall of Truth?
(a) Mirrors.
(b) Bookcases.
(c) Paintings.
(d) Maps.

12. What does Jurik Krone tell Vega the penalty for treason is in VIGINTI OCTO: “Valhall”?
(a) Life in prison.
(b) Twenty years in prison.
(c) Hanging.
(d) Beheading.

13. Morrigone tells Vega that if she should flee instead of participating in the Duelum, who will be taken prisoner in her place?
(a) Domitar.
(b) Thansius.
(c) Delph.
(d) Ezekiel.

14. How many coins does Domitar tell Vega he won off her first fight in the Duelum?
(a) 30.
(b) 50.
(c) 20.
(d) 10.

15. Where does Vega Jane take Delph to dinner in QUADRAGINTA QUINQUE: “A Special Night”?
(a) Betty’s Kitchen.
(b) Linda's Cook House.
(c) The Starving Tove.
(d) The Green Pea.

Short Answer Questions

1. The cobble that appears and attacks Vega is made of what material?

2. How are Delph and Harry Two injured when Vega flies over the Wall?

3. Who is Delph assigned to fight first in the Duelum in TRIGINTA TRES: “Foes United”?

4. What is described as “an evil spirit that attached to your body and then your mind and drove you irreversibly insane with every fear you’ve ever had”?

5. What weapon does Vega use to kill the monstrous beasts in QUADRAGINTA NOVEM: “To the Death”?

(see the answer keys)

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