The Favored Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Favored Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Richard respond when he hears that Julia is pregnant?
(a) He is angry.
(b) He is proud.
(c) He is apathetic.
(d) He is anxious.

2. What happens to Matthew Merry after he is sent to prison?
(a) He is sent to the mental ward of the prison.
(b) He dies of a broken heart.
(c) He is killed by another inmate.
(d) He kills himself.

3. What instrument is used in a race on the last day of reaping?
(a) A cart.
(b) An ax.
(c) A sickle.
(d) A shovel.

4. What part of the bird's body is broken when Richard is handling it?
(a) Its legs.
(b) Its tailfeathers.
(c) Its wings.
(d) Its beak.

5. What does James make the children promise not to use their money to purchase?
(a) Toys.
(b) Cigarettes.
(c) Liquor.
(d) Candy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Julia plan to raise her baby if she is to raise it as a single mother?

2. On the day of the reaping, what does a village child beg off of Julia's riding garments?

3. How does Ralph respond to the way that Richard handles the bird?

4. What does Richard admit to intercepting between James and Julia?

5. After his parents' death, what is Richard's greatest concern?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Ralph arrested?

2. What is "Maying," and how is it celebrated?

3. What happens when Julia encounters Ralph while she is experiencing morning sickness?

4. How does Richard respond to Julia's engagement to James?

5. What does Julia learn when she encounters the linkboy?

6. Who is Julie, and what information does she give Julia about James?

7. How does Richard react when he finds out that Julia is pregnant?

8. What happens to Uncle John and Celia when they set out to have Julia's marriage annulled?

9. After the attack, how does Julia make her way home and what does she tell her family?

10. How does Julia feel about her relationship with James upon leaving Bath?

(see the answer keys)

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