The Favored Child Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Favored Child Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As Julia leaves for Wideacre, what is her biggest fear about her relationship with James?
(a) That Richard will not approve of their relationship.
(b) That James will meet another woman.
(c) That the two will never be together.
(d) That she will no longer love James upon returning home.

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that Julia sees in Richard's soul?
(a) Fear.
(b) Danger.
(c) Hate.
(d) Horror.

3. Where are Uncle John and Celia's bodies found?
(a) At the doctor's office.
(b) The bodies are never found.
(c) Separated, one on the road and one at the office.
(d) On the road.

4. What type of bird does Ralph keep as a pet?
(a) A hawk.
(b) A raven.
(c) An eagle.
(d) A crow.

5. How does Ralph respond when Julia says that she will not announce the name of Clary's killer?
(a) He calls her brave for protecting the truth.
(b) He believes that Julia is the killer.
(c) He threatens to turn her in to the police.
(d) He calls her a coward.

6. Now that Julia is no longer a virgin, what does Richard say that she has no hope for?
(a) Inheriting Wideacre.
(b) Getting a job.
(c) Starting a family.
(d) Finding a husband.

7. Where is Clary's body found?
(a) Floating down the river.
(b) Lying peacefully in her bed.
(c) Buried in a shallow grave.
(d) Cradled in Matthew Merry's arms.

8. When Julia returns to Wideacre, what has Uncle John done to the dowry house?
(a) Burned it to the ground.
(b) Locked the doors with large chains.
(c) Completely redecorated it.
(d) Transformed it into a livestock shed.

9. What crop does Richard begin selling to the commercial markets after his parents' funeral?
(a) Cotton.
(b) Tobacco.
(c) Corn.
(d) Wheat.

10. How is it rumored that Wideacre grows such a prosperous harvest?
(a) By slave labor.
(b) By secret fertilizer.
(c) By underground watering systems.
(d) By Lacey magic.

11. How does Uncle John refer to Julia's visions?
(a) As "gifts."
(b) As "delusions."
(c) As "abnormalities."
(d) As "secrets."

12. Why does Julia say that she and Richard should no longer live together?
(a) Because the villagers will shun them.
(b) Because they know the truth about their relationship.
(c) Because they are grieving the loss of their parents.
(d) Because it was traditional for expectant mothers to live away from their husbands at this time.

13. Why is Richard granted a brief leave from school?
(a) To get married.
(b) To go to a funeral.
(c) To go to the hospital.
(d) To visit a friend.

14. What instrument is used in a race on the last day of reaping?
(a) A shovel.
(b) An ax.
(c) A sickle.
(d) A cart.

15. How does Richard respond when he hears that Julia is pregnant?
(a) He is proud.
(b) He is anxious.
(c) He is angry.
(d) He is apathetic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the linkboy that Julia and James meet leaving the party?

2. Where were the slave children sent to work after being taken from the Acre?

3. After Julia is presented with the doll on reaping day, what does her family realize about her?

4. Which errand does Julia call for Jimmy Dart to run for her?

5. Which activity to Richard and Julia partake in on Sunday afternoons?

(see the answer keys)

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