The Fate of Liberty Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark E. Neely, Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fate of Liberty Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark E. Neely, Jr.
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What precedent is set in Joseph Griffin's case?
(a) Suspected sympathizers have no rights.
(b) The suspension of habeas corpus does not legalize wrongful arrest.
(c) Financial remuneration must be given to private citizens.
(d) The suspension of habeas corpus legalizes military arrest.

2. Why are judges still issuing writs of habeas corpus in Chapter 3?
(a) They are waiting on a statement from the Supreme Court.
(b) They are sympathetic to the Confederacy.
(c) Broken rail lines have delayed official information.
(d) Lincoln has yet to publicize his suspension of habeas corpus.

3. How do the Confederates plan on reacting to Grant's order in Chapter 4?
(a) Hide in the woods and snipe Union soldiers as they pass.
(b) Burn all the farms and villages north of the border.
(c) Arrest Union citizens to use in hostage exchanges.
(d) Conscript Union citizens as Confederate soldiers.

4. Which former President is nearly arrested in Chapter 1?
(a) Franklin Pierce.
(b) James Buchanan.
(c) Zachary Taylor.
(d) Millard Fillmore.

5. Which fraudulent company's office does the War Department raid in 1864?
(a) Bell South.
(b) Bell & Green.
(c) Green Brothers, Inc.
(d) John Deere.

6. What unusual qualities does Henry W. Halleck have in a leader?
(a) He has a natural charisma that attracts all voters.
(b) He is well read, intelligent and also has great physical strength.
(c) He has written about international law and observes legal niceties.
(d) He speaks both the language of the law and the language of the people.

7. Which book of John A. Marshall's is well read among Lincoln's critics?
(a) The American Bastile.
(b) Low Tide for Liberty.
(c) The Prisoner of State.
(d) The Merryman.

8. How are Confederate deserters often treated by Union troops in Chapter 4?
(a) They swear an oath of loyalty and are released.
(b) They are interrogated, and then sent to Canada.
(c) They are executed.
(d) They are sent to POW camps.

9. What form of torture is commonly accepted among the administration during the Civil War?
(a) Public stocks.
(b) Public lashing.
(c) Starvation.
(d) Water torture.

10. What type of warfare does John Singleton Mosby employ?
(a) Attrition warfare.
(b) Guerrilla tactics.
(c) Jacksonian warfare.
(d) Maneuver warfare.

11. Who is nicknamed the "Beast of New Orleans"?
(a) Joseph Griffin.
(b) Benjamin F. Butler.
(c) Abraham Lincoln.
(d) Samuel E. Perkins.

12. Whom does Lincoln turn to for advice when Baltimore mobs burn railroad bridges?
(a) Ulysses S. Grant.
(b) Edward Bates.
(c) Edwin M. Stanton.
(d) William H. Seward.

13. With what political party does President Lincoln associate the longest?
(a) Tory.
(b) Whig.
(c) Democratic.
(d) Republican.

14. Which famous case will refer to Samuel Perkins' arguments in 1966?
(a) Perkins.
(b) Milligan.
(c) Griffin.
(d) Writ.

15. How does Dennis A. Mahony secure his release?
(a) He bribes the warden.
(b) He swears an oath of loyalty to the Union.
(c) His lawyer threatens to take the Union general to court.
(d) He writes and publishes articles about prision life.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Nathaniel Bachelder arrested in Chapter 3?

2. What does General John C. Frymont do in Chapter 2?

3. In 1864, what bogus presidential proclamation is published in the New York "World" and the "Journal of Commerce"?

4. Why does Clement L. Vallandigham's arrest cause widespread Democratic protests?

5. Who is Samuel E. Perkins?

(see the answer keys)

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