The Essex Serpent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Essex Serpent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sarah Perry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Spencer allow Garrett to do to him?
(a) Spencer allowed Garrett to use him as his second surgeon.
(b) Spencer allows Garrett to perform the surgery without consent.
(c) Spencer allowed Garrett to stitch and restitch a wound to practice his needlework.
(d) Garrett is allowed to speak to the patient's mother about the surgery.

2. What was one of Stella's favorite past-times?
(a) Stella enjoyed making new friends.
(b) Stella was an indefatigable gossip.
(c) Stella's favorite past-time was walking the town with her husband.
(d) Stella loved to speak ill of people.

3. What does Cora do as the man she helps rescue the sheep just walks away?
(a) Cora simply walks away because it is getting dark and she does not know which way she is going.
(b) Cora helps stitch up the man's face where the sheep kicked him.
(c) Cora chides him for not thanking her for her help.
(d) Cora laughs at the way he looks like a hunchback.

4. Why or how does Cora help a man who is struggling with a sheep?
(a) Cora is afraid the man is abusing the sheep.
(b) The man requests help after he was hurt.
(c) The man has been kicked in the face by the sheep.
(d) Cora helps the man to get the sheep out of the mud.

5. Naomi is proud of the webbing between her fingers because whom does she believe also had webbing on their hands?
(a) Mr. Ransome.
(b) Anne Boleyn.
(c) Cora Seaborne.
(d) Naomi's dad.

6. How does Spencer provide money to Luke Garrett?
(a) Luke simply asks for the money.
(b) Spencer puts money in places for Luke to find.
(c) Spencer does not give money to Luke Garrett.
(d) Spencer has set up an account for Luke.

7. What does Cora and William witness together?
(a) They find the remains of Leviathan.
(b) The Essex Serpent.
(c) The Flying Dutchman mirage.
(d) A blood red sunset.

8. Why is Stella forced to leave Cora and the Ambroses during their first dinner party?
(a) Stella is a little jealous of the way Cora and William were getting along.
(b) Stella has the flu.
(c) Stella falls ill during dinner.
(d) Stella has a coughing fit and excuses herself for the evening.

9. What does Stella show Cora in the church?
(a) A stain-glassed window depicting the Essex Serpent.
(b) The altar where the Essex Serpent was carved.
(c) The Restoration pew.
(d) The serpent carved on one of the church pews.

10. Why does Charles Ambrose consider William Ransome a disappointment?
(a) Charles thinks William married too young.
(b) Charles thinks that William is not very intelligent.
(c) William is a disappointing preacher.
(d) Charles thinks that William is wasting his intelligence as a pastor.

11. How do Cora and William strike up a writing habit?
(a) Cora writes to William directly about a pamphlet she found.
(b) William writes to Cora thanking her for visiting.
(c) William writes to thank Cora for the pamphlet.
(d) Cora writes to him and sends him a pamphlet to read.

12. What does Cracknell call his scarebeasts?
(a) His sheep.
(b) His dead moles.
(c) His goats.
(d) The Essex Serpent.

13. Why does Cora think she is malformed?
(a) Because Michael treated her so badly that she now expects it of others.
(b) Because she had given birth.
(c) Because she does not believe in religion.
(d) Because of her scars.

14. To whom are the Ambroses going to introduce Cora?
(a) The Taylors.
(b) The Ransomes.
(c) The Spencers.
(d) The Garretts.

15. When the earthquake had hit Colchester, what did the neighboring town think had happened?
(a) The neighboring town thought there was a tsunami.
(b) Others thought there was a building collapse that shook the ground.
(c) The town of Maldon thought someone had set off dynamite.
(d) The other towns did not feel the earthquake that happened in Colchester.

Short Answer Questions

1. Cora and Martha quite unexpectedly meet their friends in the streets of Colchester. Who are the friends?

2. Stella Ransome had how many surviving children?

3. When Cora and William meet, what do they realize together?

4. Why is Joanna secretly excited that her dad cut his cheek?

5. While at church, who does a churchgoer without glasses mistake Cracknell for?

(see the answer keys)

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