The Engines of God Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack McDevitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Engines of God Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack McDevitt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many days are spent exploring the Oz before leaving?
(a) One.
(b) Two.
(c) Four.
(d) Three.

2. When a space station is found, what do they see?
(a) Open hatches, and two sets of characters on the hull.
(b) The orbit is decaying and the shuttle is damaged.
(c) Lights are on and the orbit is steady.
(d) The orbit is decaying and it is smaller than Kosmik.

3. What does Melanie give the crew of the Wincklemann?
(a) A technician to help them repair their ship.
(b) The offer of a ride back to Earth.
(c) Enough food and supplies to last a week.
(d) A shuttle, a pilot and thirty six hours to examine Beta Pacifica III.

4. Where does the Catherine Perch find itself approaching on April 11th?
(a) The Wincklemann's remains.
(b) Beta Pac's moon.
(c) The second telescope in the array.
(d) Beta Pacifica III.

5. What does David Emory send in a note addressed to Richard?
(a) Questions about the civilization at Quraqua.
(b) An artifact from Nok.
(c) The discovery of the city of Orikon on Nok.
(d) More information regarding the discontinuity.

Short Answer Questions

1. In all, how many of the shuttle team are killed on the planet?

2. What is unusual about this trip for Jake?

3. Who stays behind to cover their retreat to the shuttle?

4. What changes does Hutch see in Frank since the Temple on Quraqua?

5. What does Hutch realize about each event of discontinuity?

Short Essay Questions

1. What callous comment does Maggie make that reminds Hutch of all the reasons that her guard is up around Maggie?

2. What does the Academy endorse, to the surprise of many involved?

3. What does Hutch believe they have to do in order to discover the truth behind what is going on?

4. What events transpire as a result of Maggie's comment?

5. What is the Academy's position regarding Richard's death and what course of action do they pursue?

6. What revelation does Hutch have that she wakes Carson to share with him?

7. What is the outcome of their collision?

8. What kind of structures do the landing party on Beta Pacifica III find that make no sense?

9. What does Hutch finally do to find the shuttle after wandering around lost for some time?

10. How does Harvey and his recovery team manage to locate Maggie to bring her back?

(see the answer keys)

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