The Devil and Tom Walker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil and Tom Walker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 84 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator says that the timing for Tom's business is propitious. What kind of timing would this be?
(a) Too late to make a difference.
(b) In advance of need.
(c) Favorable.
(d) Unlucky.

2. What does the narrator compare Tom's clients to?
(a) Children.
(b) Sponges.
(c) Crops.
(d) Sheep.

3. What word does the narrator use twice to describe the situation of Tom's clients?
(a) Unexpected.
(b) Desperate.
(c) Dubious.
(d) Fortunate.

4. What mark does the devil leave on Tom?
(a) A claw mark.
(b) A black fingerprint.
(c) A red mark in the shape of an axe.
(d) An upside-down cross.

5. What can a reader infer is one of the devil's conditions in the bargain he makes with Tom?
(a) Tom will not get the money until he makes a sacrifice to the devil.
(b) Tom will bring the devil other people to make bargains with.
(c) Tom will give his soul to the devil.
(d) Tom will not tell anyone where he got the money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tom's wife is described as a termagant--what kind of person does this mean she is?

2. What does Tom begin keeping on the desk in his office?

3. How does Tom seal his bargain with the devil?

4. What causes Tom to start to worry about the deal he has made with the devil?

5. What is one source of trouble in Tom Walker's marriage?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the appearance of the devil in this story.

2. What does Tom believe is in the apron, and how does he feel when he sees it?

3. What are some of the details of the plants and animals in the swamp, and what do they signify?

4. What two reasons does the narrator give for Tom's fearlessness in the swamp and upon meeting the devil?

5. What is the implication of the conversation between the devil and Tom about the ownership of the swamp land?

6. Who is the guardian of William Kidd's treasure, and why?

7. What are Tom Walker's first house and property like?

8. What does Tom do with his money and what does it show about his personality?

9. How does Tom's wife react to his news, and what is his response to her?

10. Explain how Tom develops into a religious hypocrite.

(see the answer keys)

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