The Defense Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Defense Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What room does Luzhin lock himself into?
(a) The bedroom.
(b) The study.
(c) The dining room.
(d) The bathroom.

2. After failing to hide the chess set, what does Luzhin decide to do with it?
(a) Keep it on the bedroom floor.
(b) Put it in the kitchen cupboard.
(c) Get rid of it.
(d) Display it in the study.

3. What is the Luzhins' maid particularly bat at?
(a) Dusting.
(b) Baking bread.
(c) Making the beds.
(d) Taking phone calls.

4. What else seems odd about Luzhin's old jacket, when Luzhin is trying it on?
(a) The jacket is longer in back than in front.
(b) There seems to be something in the pocket, but the pocket is empty.
(c) One sleeve is slightly longer than the other.
(d) The color of the jacket seems different than Luzhin remembers.

5. What does Luzhin's fiancee think of when she walks with him in the garden of the sanatorium?
(a) A sculpture she saw in a museum.
(b) A book she read as a child.
(c) A poem she loves.
(d) A painting in her mother's home.

6. What is the house number of Luzhin's father's former house?
(a) Thirty-one D.
(b) Thirty-five A.
(c) Thirty-seven B.
(d) Thirty-three C.

7. What is Luzhin's future mother-in-law's prime objection to her daughter marrying Luzhin?
(a) She is afraid Luzhin is mentally unstable.
(b) She thinks Luzhin is uncouth.
(c) She thinks Luzhin is from a bad family.
(d) She thinks her daughter doesn't love him.

8. What does Luzhin do when he gets into the cab with his new wife after the wedding reception?
(a) He begins talking incomprehensibly.
(b) He tries to kiss her.
(c) He sits silently and sullenly.
(d) He falls asleep.

9. Why does Mrs. Luzhin avoid mentioning large cities when talking of traveling?
(a) She doesn't want to mention anywhere they can't afford.
(b) She doesn't want to go places Luzhin has been without her.
(c) She doesn't want to remind Luzhin of chess tournaments.
(d) She thinks a large city will be too stressful for Luzhin.

10. What possession of Luzhin's does his fiancee retrieve from the tournament hall?
(a) His hat.
(b) His cloak.
(c) His shoes.
(d) His cane.

11. Where does Mrs. Luzhin want her husband to visit?
(a) His father's grave.
(b) His father's old house.
(c) His father's old office.
(d) A friend of his father's.

12. When Mrs. Luzhin comes to bed on her wedding night, where is her husband?
(a) Asleep.
(b) Taking a walk.
(c) On the sofa.
(d) In the kitchen.

13. What does Luzhin feel like, when he moves into his new apartment after getting out of the hospital?
(a) Like he did whenever moving into a new hotel room.
(b) Like he did whenever he started a new chess game.
(c) Like he did when he started school as a boy.
(d) Like he did when moving from country to town as a child.

14. Where is the first place Mrs. Luzhin suggests they travel?
(a) To the French Riviera.
(b) To America.
(c) To the Carribean.
(d) To Venice, Italy.

15. When Mrs. Luzhin's intellectual guests gather at the tea table, what is the immediate response?
(a) A clatter of dishes and teacups.
(b) Laughter.
(c) Silence.
(d) A cacophony of talking.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Luzhin disappear to at the ball?

2. Where does Mrs. Luzhin take her husband that he's never been before?

3. Where does Luzhin's fiancee's father want her to go away to with her mother, to forget about Luzhin?

4. What does Luzhin's fiancee threaten that she will do, if he starts thinking about chess?

5. When was the last time Luzhin had been in church before his wedding?

(see the answer keys)

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