The Decameron Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What suddenly happens to Monna Giovanna's son?
(a) he becomes ill.
(b) he commits a crime.
(c) he falls in love with a farm girl.
(d) he runs away to the city.

2. What happens when Ricciardo learns of Caterina's love for him?
(a) Ricciardo asks for her hand in marriage.
(b) Caterina and Ricciardo begin an affair.
(c) Caterina and Ricciardo elope to Venice.
(d) Caterina plays hard to get.

3. Where do the two men who played the trick go the next day?
(a) to wait up in a tree.
(b) to hear Brother Onion's sermon.
(c) to hide in the confessional.
(d) to wait outside the church.

4. What is Peronella's occupation?
(a) a spinner of wool.
(b) a seamstress.
(c) an innkeeper.
(d) a stone mason.

5. What is the avocation of Gualtieri, the son of a wealthy marquis in Saluzzo?
(a) he paints pictures of unclothed young girls.
(b) he drinks every day in the tavern.
(c) he chases all the pretty girls in the village.
(d) he spends his days hunting and hawking.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Frederigo waste his fortune?

2. What story does Gianni tell to excuse himself from taking Pietro's bed that night?

3. What is the occupation of the man Peronella marries?

4. What happens when Brother Onion reaches into the box supposedly containing Gabriel's feather?

5. What is the relationship between Tingoccio Mini and Meuccio di Tura?

Short Essay Questions

1. When collecting alms from a nearby village, what does Brother Onion use to get the people to give freely?

2. When Monna Giovanna's son becomes seriously ill, what does he tell her might make him better?

3. What does Gualtieri do to assure himself that his wife, Griselda, is a worthy woman?

4. What is the reply that Bondone gives Rabatta after his insult?

5. What is the result of a man sneaking into an Abbess' cell after he has fallen in love with her?

6. Although Frederigo would give anything to Monna Giovanna, why is it impossible for him to give her the falcon?

7. What happens that Don Gianni declares has broken the spell to change Pietro's wife into a mare?

8. How does the affair between Caterina and Ricciardo work itself out?

9. When Calandrino finds what he thinks are magic rocks, what do Bruno and Buffalmacco decide to do.

10. Explain how Peronella gets away with having a lover.

(see the answer keys)

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