The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who discovers what the monk is doing?
(a) the woman's husband.
(b) the gardener.
(c) the other monks in the monastery.
(d) the abbot of the monastery.

2. Who does Alibech eventually meet?
(a) a thief named Rustico.
(b) a priest named Quantico.
(c) a friar named Alfonzo.
(d) a monk named Rustico.

3. How does Saladin honor Melchisedech?
(a) he takes him to the court of Babylon.
(b) he builds him a palace.
(c) he makes him his chamberlain.
(d) he makes him his regent.

4. What does Rustico soon discover?
(a) that he can watch Alibech at her bath.
(b) that Alibech is not as beautiful as he first thought.
(c) that Alibech snores and talks in her sleep.
(d) that his willpower is not strong enough to resist Alibech.

5. What is the discovery of Saladin, the Sultan of Babylon?
(a) his treasury is empty.
(b) his people are giving him too much respect.
(c) he has more money than he can use.
(d) his wives are wearing old clothes.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Monna Lisetta meet Brother Alberto?

2. What does Saladin plan to do when he visits Melchisedech?

3. Who is Alatiel?

4. Who murders Pericone, Alatiel's first lover?

5. Where do Constanza and Alatiel go after they leave Athens?

Short Essay Questions

1. What eventually transpires between Masetto and one of the nuns?

2. How does Andreuccio turn the tales on the two robbers?

3. What happens that returns Alibech to her village?

4. What is the ambition of Alibech and where does it take her?

5. What is the quandary the Florentine brothers find themselves in when Ciappelletto becomes so ill?

6. How does Masetto come to the attention of the abbess?

7. What bothers Brother Alberto about one of the women who comes to him for confession?

8. What are the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Lorenzo, the lover of Isabetta?

9. What happens to Alatiel after she is taken to safety?

10. Describe the happy occasion for Alatiel as she prepares to get married.

(see the answer keys)

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