The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Musciatto Franzesi choose Ser Ciappelletto to handle debts and trade?
(a) He wants a totally honest man to run his business.
(b) He thinks Ser Ciappelletto is rich enough not to steal from him.
(c) He thinks Ser Ciappelletto is a bit stupid.
(d) He fears the unscrupulous behavior of the Burgundians.

2. After Ghismunda chooses Guiscardo as her lover, what complicates their relationship?
(a) Guiscardo's father is Tancredi's mortal enemy.
(b) they must meet in secret.
(c) Ghismunda becomes pregnant.
(d) they have nowhere to meet.

3. Eventually, who does Ghismunda marry as arranged by her father?
(a) a duke who beats her regularly.
(b) a duke's son who dies shortly after the wedding.
(c) her father's best friend.
(d) a merchant who does not require a dowry.

4. Where does Ser Ciappelletto find lodging in Burgundy?
(a) in an expensive inn that Musciatto pays for.
(b) with two Franciscan friars.
(c) with a needy widow.
(d) with two Florentine brothers.

5. Why does Saladin go to Melchisedech?
(a) he is a Jewish money lender.
(b) he is a high priest.
(c) he is a wise fortune teller.
(d) he has a map of great treasure.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Alibech eventually meet?

2. Where do Constanza and Alatiel go after they leave Athens?

3. What does Tancredi have done to Guiscardo after he learns of his affair with Ghismunda?

4. Why does Berto della Massa go to Venice and take on the identity of Brother Alberto?

5. What do the nuns do because they think Masetto is deaf?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the quandary the Florentine brothers find themselves in when Ciappelletto becomes so ill?

2. What does Alibech learn from Rustico?

3. After becoming a widow shortly after her marriage, what does Ghismunda see her father, Tancredi, has no plans of doing?

4. Why is it so easy for Berto della Massa to take on the persona of Brother Alberto, a minor friar?

5. How does Masetto come to the attention of the abbess?

6. How does Andreuccio become the victim of a scam in Naples?

7. What ultimately happens after Ciappelletto dies?

8. What happens to Ciappelletto while staying with two Florentine brothers in Burgundy?

9. What bothers Brother Alberto about one of the women who comes to him for confession?

10. What happens when the secret of Masetto's affair with the nun gets out?

(see the answer keys)

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