The Decameron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Monna Giovanna offer Frederico for the fortune he lost trying to please her?
(a) money.
(b) her jewels.
(c) a chance to please her now.
(d) half her estate.

2. Where does Peronella tell her lover to hide?
(a) in a barrel.
(b) under the bed.
(c) in the closet.
(d) behind the door.

3. After Tingoccio dies, what does he do that he had promised Meuccio in life?
(a) return to tell what it is like after death.
(b) show himself to the evil monk in the village.
(c) return to light candles in the church.
(d) haunt Meuccio's wife.

4. What do the men leave in Brother Onion's room?
(a) a map to the place where they plan to hide the feather.
(b) a box with a piece of charcoal in it.
(c) a book with blank pages.
(d) a bag full of onions.

5. What promise does Brother Onion make to the villagers this time?
(a) to show them a feather from the wings of Gabriel.
(b) to show them a relic of the cross.
(c) to show them frakincense and myrrh.
(d) to show them how to walk on water.

6. What does Caterina say she wants to hear at night?
(a) the breeze in the trees.
(b) the crickets.
(c) the troubadors.
(d) the nightingale.

7. What does Monna Giovanna's son want to possess?
(a) Frederico's daughter.
(b) Frederico's farm.
(c) Frederico's falcon.
(d) Frederico's horse.

8. What does the abbess intend to do when she confronts the wayward nun?
(a) send her and everyone back to bed.
(b) console her.
(c) give her a stern lecture.
(d) take her confession.

9. What is the relationship between Tingoccio Mini and Meuccio di Tura?
(a) they are cousins.
(b) they are best friends.
(c) they are brothers-in-law.
(d) they are mortal enemies.

10. Who is the somewhat spoiled Caterina?
(a) the wife of Messer Lizio di Valbona, a rich knight.
(b) the cousin of Messer Lizio di Valbona, a rich knight.
(c) the sister of Messer Lizio di Valbona, a rich knight.
(d) the daughter of Messer Lizio di Valbona, a rich knight.

11. What is the avocation of Gualtieri, the son of a wealthy marquis in Saluzzo?
(a) he chases all the pretty girls in the village.
(b) he paints pictures of unclothed young girls.
(c) he spends his days hunting and hawking.
(d) he drinks every day in the tavern.

12. What happens when the two friends tell Brother Onion what they had done?
(a) they all have a good laugh.
(b) they agree that everything worked out well.
(c) Brother Onion kicks both of them.
(d) Brother Onion gives them absolution.

13. Why does Frederigo leave the city for his farm?
(a) it is cheaper to live there.
(b) the bill collectors will not find him there.
(c) it is a better place for his falcon.
(d) he will not have to see Monna Giovanna.

14. Why do the villagers look forward to the arrival of the monk from St. Anthony's monastery?
(a) they have a feast when he comes.
(b) they like to help the monks.
(c) they know he brings gifts.
(d) they like to hear his stories.

15. While Peronella's husband is inside cleaning the barrel, what is Peronella doing?
(a) scolding her husband for leaving work.
(b) trying to think where her lover will get the money.
(c) rushing her lover out of the house.
(d) bending over the barrel to supervise.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Rabatta and Bondone meet on the road to Florence, what happens to cause them to seek shelter?

2. What does Bondone say people would think after looking at Rabatta?

3. With whom does Tingoccio have an affair?

4. What does Frederico, now a poor man, determine to do when Monna Giovanna comes calling?

5. How does Calandrino know that he no longer has magic powers?

(see the answer keys)

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