The Decameron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does he explain the charcoal?
(a) that it is a relic of St. Lorenzo who was burned at the stake.
(b) that it is a relic from a fire where Jesus warmed his hands.
(c) that it is a relic of the destruction of Sodom.
(d) that it is a relic from the destruction of Jerusalem.

2. What story does Gianni tell to excuse himself from taking Pietro's bed that night?
(a) he claims to have a spell that turns himself into a horse.
(b) he claims to be able to sleep while on his mare.
(c) he claims to have a spell to turn hay into a bed.
(d) he claims to know a spell that will turn his mare into a woman.

3. As they travel along, what do Rabatta and Bondone begin to do?
(a) discuss their respective businesses.
(b) insult each other about their looks.
(c) play a guessing game.
(d) sing songs to keep up their courage.

4. What euphemism does the story teller use for "the thing you are ashamed to mention among men?"
(a) the bower.
(b) the flower.
(c) the nightingale.
(d) the branch.

5. What does Frederico, now a poor man, determine to do when Monna Giovanna comes calling?
(a) declare his love for her.
(b) hide from her.
(c) order her off his property.
(d) cook the falcon to serve her for dinner.

6. Who are Don Gianni di Barolo and Pietro da Tresanti?
(a) brothers-in-law.
(b) competitors for the same lover.
(c) businessmen who deal in trading goods.
(d) bankers who extort money from the poor.

7. What does Monna Giovanna discover after dinner?
(a) Frederico has sold his falcon.
(b) the falcon has gotten away.
(c) she has just eaten the very thing she desired.
(d) Frederico cannot part with his falcon.

8. What does Messer Lizio di Valbona tell his wife Caterina's hand was wrapped around when he found them?
(a) her beloved nightingale.
(b) Ricciardo's dagger.
(c) the bedpost.
(d) a bouquet of roses.

9. How are Peronella and her lover surprised one afternoon?
(a) Peronella's husband comes home unexpectedly.
(b) Peronella's husband sends his friend to see her.
(c) Peronella's husband has an accident at work.
(d) Peronella's husband comes to spy on her.

10. How does Calandrino know that he no longer has magic powers?
(a) when his wife breaks a mirror over his head.
(b) when his wife leaves him for a lover.
(c) when his wife finds the stones and throws them out.
(d) when his wife can see him and scolds him for being late.

11. What does the abbess intend to do when she confronts the wayward nun?
(a) take her confession.
(b) send her and everyone back to bed.
(c) console her.
(d) give her a stern lecture.

12. Why has Peronella's husband come home in the middle of the day?
(a) to sell the barrel that takes up room in their house.
(b) to get something to eat.
(c) to look for some tools he forgot that morning.
(d) to spend more time with his wife.

13. After the death of her husband, where does Monna Giovanna take her son?
(a) to live with his grandfather.
(b) to the south of Italy.
(c) on an extended trip.
(d) to the country near Frederigo's farm.

14. What is the avocation of Gualtieri, the son of a wealthy marquis in Saluzzo?
(a) he spends his days hunting and hawking.
(b) he paints pictures of unclothed young girls.
(c) he drinks every day in the tavern.
(d) he chases all the pretty girls in the village.

15. Where do the two men who played the trick go the next day?
(a) to wait outside the church.
(b) to hear Brother Onion's sermon.
(c) to hide in the confessional.
(d) to wait up in a tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Tingoccio dies, what does he do that he had promised Meuccio in life?

2. What do the men leave in Brother Onion's room?

3. When Rabatta and Bondone meet on the road to Florence, what happens to cause them to seek shelter?

4. What do the villagers know of the Brother from St. Anthony's who comes once a year?

5. What reason does Caterina give for wanting to change her sleeping arrangements?

(see the answer keys)

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