The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pietro end up with that is worth more than the money he lost?
(a) a gold crown.
(b) a prize horse.
(c) a bag of silver.
(d) a ruby ring.

2. Who determines who will tell the stories on each successive night?
(a) the person chosen as queen or king for the next night.
(b) the last person to tell a stroy the night before.
(c) the oldest of the 7 women and 3 men.
(d) the group by popular vote.

3. Who does Alatiel eventually meet?
(a) the Prince of Wales who recognizes her.
(b) the sultan of Brunei who recognizes her.
(c) the King of Cyprus who recognizes her.
(d) the King of France who recognizes her.

4. Who is the next rival for the favor of Alatiel?
(a) a prince who is a cousin of the duke.
(b) a duke who is a cousin to the prince.
(c) the emperor of Constantinople.
(d) a soldier in the prince's honor guard.

5. What does Abraham observe among the church leaders in Rome?
(a) great piety and devotion to Jesus and the saints.
(b) great humility with vows of poverty and celibacy.
(c) greed, lust, lechery, and many other things that a man of God should not be a part of.
(d) strong examples of how to live a clean life.

6. Why does the first holy man send Alibech away?
(a) she is too stupid to learn his truths.
(b) she asks too many questions disturbing his meditations.
(c) she is beautiful and he cannot trust himself around her.
(d) he tells her everything he has to tell.

7. Where does Pietro go to ply his trade?
(a) Florence.
(b) Rome.
(c) Naples.
(d) Tuscany.

8. Tiring of Monna Lisetta's vain confessions, what does Brother Alberto do?
(a) he runs when he sees her coming.
(b) he plugs up his ears.
(c) he refuses her absolution.
(d) he reproaches her.

9. Why does the King determine that no one should ever know about all the men and unfortunate circumstances in Alatiel's life?
(a) because the men who knew who she was are all dead.
(b) because she always wore a veil.
(c) because she could not speak the language of her captors.
(d) because she never told anyone who she was.

10. Who does Alibech eventually find?
(a) a holy woman who lives in a cave.
(b) a holy woman who heals the sick.
(c) a holy man who lives in a hut.
(d) a holy man who teaches in a synagogue.

11. Who does Pietro take up with after he loses all his money and clothes?
(a) some gamblers.
(b) some highwaymen.
(c) some grave robbers.
(d) some sorcerers.

12. How does Saladin honor Melchisedech?
(a) he builds him a palace.
(b) he takes him to the court of Babylon.
(c) he makes him his chamberlain.
(d) he makes him his regent.

13. Why does Abraham conclude that the Christian religion is strong and will last?
(a) it has very beautiful churches.
(b) it survives the excesses of the clergy.
(c) it accomodates Jews.
(d) it leads the way in educating the people.

14. What is the discovery of Saladin, the Sultan of Babylon?
(a) his people are giving him too much respect.
(b) his wives are wearing old clothes.
(c) he has more money than he can use.
(d) his treasury is empty.

15. What horrible thing does Tancredi do to his daughter?
(a) he lockes her in her room until he dies.
(b) he makes her witness the beheading of Guiscardo.
(c) he takes away all her clothes so she cannot go outside.
(d) he chops up Guiscardo's heart and has it prepared for her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Pietro when he stays the night at the woman's house?

2. Why does Ghismunda not marry at a time when other girls her age have taken husbands?

3. After Ghismunda chooses Guiscardo as her lover, what complicates their relationship?

4. For what is Andreuccio di Pietro famous?

5. How can Berto so easily convince people that he has taken on the vows of poverty and chastity?

(see the answer keys)

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