The Death Cure Test | Final Test - Medium

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death Cure Test | Final Test - Medium

James Dashner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the lead engineer for the biggest arms manufacturer in the world that Gally describes in Chapter 52?
(a) Dr. Wright.
(b) Charlotte Chiswell.
(c) Chancellor Paige.
(d) Aris Jones.

2. From whom is the letter that Thomas takes from the manila envelope in Chapter 63?
(a) Chancellor Paige.
(b) Dr. Wright.
(c) Janson.
(d) Aris Jones.

3. Where does Brenda say their Berg is docked in Chapter 52?
(a) In a hangar in Detroit.
(b) Outside the northwest wall of Denver.
(c) In a hangar in Philadelphia.
(d) Inside the airport on the south side of Denver.

4. What phrase is used in the novel to describe people infected with the Flare virus after they have lost their minds?
(a) "Into the Void."
(b) "In the Bliss."
(c) "Over the Hill."
(d) "Past the Gone."

5. What is Thomas's response to Teresa when she says in Chapter 44, "You really don't trust me, do you?"
(a) "We'll see what happens."
(b) "I trust you."
(c) "How can I trust you?"
(d) "I don't even know you anymore."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gally claim that the lead engineer for WICKED's arms manufacturer has discovered in Chapter 52?

2. Who are the associates of the Rat Man that Thomas meets in Chapter 58?

3. Teresa says in Chapter 44 that WICKED does not intend to stop the Trials until they get what?

4. Where do the guards from Crank Palace say they were nabbed and brought to the secret location in Chapter 43?

5. What has Thomas been informed the WICKED team needs from him in order to complete their objective in Chapter 59?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Thomas and his friends find when they reach the Glade in Chapters 68 and 69?

2. What does Thomas learn about the actions of the Right Arm in Chapter 65?

3. How does Thomas get to WICKED's headquarters after he is dropped off by the Berg in Chapter 57? Who greets him when he arrives?

4. How is Teresa killed in the novel? How does her death impact Thomas?

5. What is revealed in Newt's note in Chapter 41? How does Thomas respond?

6. What does Thomas discover next to his bed when he awakens in Chapter 63?

7. Why do the guards assist Thomas and his friends at Crank Palace? How do they assist?

8. Where are Thomas and his friends taken by the guards in Chapter 43? How is this setting described?

9. What procedure is Thomas to undertake as the "Final Candidate" in Chapter 59?

10. What is Thomas's reply when the leader of the Right Arm asks how he can contribute to their mission in Chapter 51?

(see the answer keys)

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