Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While in the House of Mirrors, who repeatedly fires a gun at Batman?
(a) The commissioner.
(b) The Joker.
(c) Harvey Dent.
(d) The police.

2. Whose help does Batman believes he needs to defeat the Mutants?
(a) Alfred's.
(b) Commissioner Gordon's.
(c) Superman's.
(d) Carrie's.

3. Who is named as the new commissioner of Gotham City's police force?
(a) Commissioner Loeb.
(b) Harvey Dent.
(c) Commissioner Yindel.
(d) Bruce Wayne.

4. At the jail, which group revolts against the guard and manages to weasel out of their cell?
(a) The Mutants.
(b) The Rugrats.
(c) The Clowns.
(d) The Sons of Adam.

5. Who retires from Gotham's police force?
(a) Commissioner Gordon.
(b) Commissioner Yindel.
(c) Commissioner Loeb.
(d) A friend of Bruce Wayne.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the television incident, how do Batman and Robin pursue the Joker?

2. Once Robin gets away from the cops, how is Batman's location revealed?

3. What location does the Joker's thug put one of the bombs?

4. After sharing his plans with Commissioner Gordon and Robin to defeat the Mutants, who does Batman meet at the Mutants' dump?

5. When the Joker's thugs sets off one of the bombs, who does it miss?

Short Essay Questions

1. Batman shouts at an image and tells it to "stop laughing." What is the significance of Batman seeing the Joker laughing at him long after the Joker has died?

2. What does Clark Kent/Superman mean when he says, " a murderer, you'd cover it up again"?

3. How do the citizens' reactions to the electromagnetic pulse show that Batman's work is far from over?

4. What is the importance of Superman's efforts to intercept the nuclear warhead from Russia?

5. Why does Batman ask the newly escaped ex-Mutants to help him restore order to Gotham City?

6. What is the irony of the Mutants changing their name to "Sons of Batman"?

7. Why does Clark Kent believe Bruce will ruin everything?

8. How is the last confrontation between The Joker and Batman in the House of Mirrors ironic?

9. How does The Joker attempt to have one last laugh at Batman's expense?

10. Why does Superman find it important that the "...humans not be reminded that they walk amongst giants..."?

(see the answer keys)

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