The Dark Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is always present when Camara's father works with gold?
(a) A new snake.
(b) The black snake.
(c) Camara's mother.
(d) A black cat.

2. Camara's mother displays what sort of attitude?
(a) Disgusting.
(b) Authoritarian.
(c) Friendly.
(d) Humble.

3. Some of Camara's brothers and sisters don't fit in his mother's hut. Where do they sleep?
(a) In their uncle's hut.
(b) In their mother's mother's hut.
(c) In their father's hut.
(d) In their father's mother's hut.

4. What does Camara believe about his mother?
(a) That she has special powers.
(b) That she is very special.
(c) That she has special flowers.
(d) That she doesn't have special powers.

5. Why does Camara's father always do the gold work himself?
(a) Because other people argue about this work.
(b) Because he's the boss.
(c) Because he wants to make all the money.
(d) Because he has special powers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who cuts the first swath of rice from the field on the day of the harvest?

2. Where does Camara's grandmother store milk?

3. What kind of woman visits Camara's father's shop in chapter two?

4. What do many people think of country folk?

5. What is the name of the river that flows nearby Camara's village?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Sidafa, and what do you know about him?

2. While he was growing up, what were the rules during meals in Camara's parents' household?

3. Camara remembers seeing a snake for the first time and being fascinated with its glittering eyes. What does he do to the snake, and what happens next?

4. A few months after all the beatings at school, the director of the French school is forced to resign because of a petition signed by all the parents. What did Camara's father have to do with this?

5. What do the reapers do while they work on the fields, and how is their relationship?

6. According to Camara, what do many people think about country people, and what is Camara's opinion about them?

7. How did Camara's father know about this specific task of gold work, and how did he prepare himself to execute the work?

8. Describe the character of Lansana.

9. Describe the behavior of Camara's school teacher in the French school he attended as a child.

10. How is the special black snake involved with Camara's father's gold work?

(see the answer keys)

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