The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

Deborah Levy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

Deborah Levy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter Ten: X is Where I Am, what does Deborah say Clara offered her?
(a) A hug.
(b) A ring.
(c) To cook at her flat.
(d) A gift.

2. In Chapter Seven: The Black and Blueish Darkness, what does Deborah say is her mother's background?
(a) From a Jewish family.
(b) From an Ethopian family.
(c) From a WASP family.
(d) From a poor family.

3. In Chapter Seven: The Black and Blueish Darkness, what does Deborah say the brothers gave her?
(a) Condolence card.
(b) A cup for Turkish coffee.
(c) Ice lollies.
(d) Roses.

4. In Chapter Eight: The Republic, what book does Deborah say her student carried?
(a) God of Small Things.
(b) Velociraptor.
(c) Black Skins, White Masks.
(d) The Stranger.

5. In Chapter Seven: The Black and Blueish Darkness, what does Deborah say she argued with her mother about as a teen?
(a) Clothes.
(b) Boys.
(c) Makeup.
(d) Shoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Nine: Night Wandering, what does Deborah say we do not want our mothers to be?

2. In Chapter Nine: Night Wandering, what does Deborah say the brothers gave her after her mother's death?

3. In Chapter Seven: The Black and Blueish Darkness, where does Deborah say her mother was from?

4. In Chapter Nine: Night Wandering, what does Deborah say she and her mother would argue about?

5. In Chapter Eight: The Republic, what did the sign on the fountain say according to Debra?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter Nine: Night Wandering, what does Deborah say happened when she read her book out loud at a festival in Berlin?

2. In Chapter Eight: The Republic, who does Deborah say she met? What did Deborah advise?

3. In Chapter Eight: The Republic, how does Deborah say she compared herself to Simone de Beauvoir? How are their lives similar and different?

4. In Chapter Ten: X is Where I Am, what of Deborah's old house items does she say Clara picked up, and what does Clara say about them? What metaphor does she say Clara apply to this?

5. In Chapter Nine: Night Wandering, where does Deborah say her mother grew up? What did her mother teach her in old age?

6. In Chapter Seven: The Black and Bluish Darkness, what does Deborah say she needed to compose? How does she apply this as a metaphor?

7. In Chapter Seven: The Black and Bluish Darkness, what does Deborah say she had for dinner? What happened with dinner?

8. In Chapter Eleven: Footsteps in the House, where does Deborah say she went and why? What does she say this reminded her of?

9. In Chapter Ten: X is Where I Am, what does Deborah say she told Clara about dating again? How does she say Clara responded?

10. In Chapter Seven: The Black and Bluish Darkness, what meeting does Deborah say she went to? How did she feel at the meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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