The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Test | Final Test - Medium

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Test | Final Test - Medium

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To supply room and board means to what?
(a) Quarter.
(b) Inquiry.
(c) Quarry.
(d) Quartet.

2. Inheritance, corporations, laws concerning education, marriage and divorce all are under the jurisdiction of what government?
(a) State.
(b) Federal.
(c) Municipal.
(d) County.

3. What is an assembly?
(a) An amount of money put up to ensure appearance at trial.
(b) To appear similar to someone or something else.
(c) An appearance in court.
(d) A gathering of people.

4. The people may keep and bear arms for which two purposes?
(a) Their protection, hunting.
(b) Having a well-trained militia, recreation.
(c) Their protection, having a well-trained militia.
(d) Hunting, having a well-trained militia.

5. To accuse and attempt to prove guilty means what?
(a) Prosecute.
(b) Proselyte.
(c) Execute.
(d) Prostrate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a court order compelling a witness to appear in court the definition of?

2. According to Amendment 17 (1913), when a state has a Senate vacancy, who can make a temporary appointment?

3. Congress was given the power to do away with Section 3 of Amendment 14, concerning certain supporters of the Confederacy, by a 2/3 vote, and did so in what year?

4. Amendment 17 (1913) specifies the Senate is composed of how many members?

5. Where, in accordance with Amendment 23 (1961) and as Congress directs, may electors be appointed for President and Vice President as if it were a state?

(see the answer keys)

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