The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Constitution of the United States: An Introduction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Floyd G. Cullop
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV: Amendments Since the Bill of Rights.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Amendment 11 (1798) changes Article 3, Section 2, and states that a civil or equity suit brought against a state by a citizen of another state or from a foreign country may be tried where?
(a) State court of state against which lawsuit is filed.
(b) Sate court of state where citizen filing lawsuit resides.
(c) National court of foreign country where citizen filing lawsuit resides.
(d) Federal court.

2. What type of democracy is that in which the people handle government matters on their own behalf?
(a) United.
(b) Indirect.
(c) Federation.
(d) Direct.

3. Under the Articles of Confederation, there would be what?
(a) No central power, executive, or judiciary.
(b) A central power and executive, but no judiciary.
(c) A central power, but no executive or judiciary.
(d) A central power, executive, and judiciary.

4. "Room and board" means what?
(a) Lodging and food.
(b) Bath and shelter.
(c) Lodging and ale.
(d) Bed and bath.

5. The return of a fugitive by one authority to another is the definition of what?
(a) Extrication.
(b) Explication.
(c) Extradition.
(d) Extortion.

Short Answer Questions

1. Amendment 20, Section 1 (1933) stipulates the terms of senators and representatives end at noon on which dates of the year such terms end respectively?

2. What type of democracy is one in which the people elect officials in order to represent them in all aspects of government?

3. Where, in accordance with Amendment 23 (1961) and as Congress directs, may electors be appointed for President and Vice President as if it were a state?

4. Being tried again for a crime already found not guilty of is the definition of what?

5. Amendment 13, Section 2 (1865) stipulates Congress has the power to enforce this article by what means?

(see the answer key)

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