The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Gilroy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Paul Gilroy
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What criticism does Gilroy make of modern racial and ethnic concepts?
(a) They are contain stereotypes.
(b) They are too homogenous.
(c) They are already outdated.
(d) They are not coherent.

2. What cultural work does Gilroy say music has performed?
(a) Articulating political unrest.
(b) Keeping the terror of slavery alive.
(c) Assuaging political unrest.
(d) Numbing people to modern atrocities.

3. How does Gilroy characterize the residual feelings from slavery?
(a) Sublime and unfathomable.
(b) Unspeakable but not inexpressible.
(c) A source of modern ritual.
(d) Mysterious.

4. How does Gilroy characterize the consciousness of the slave?
(a) An act of hostility.
(b) A process of liberation.
(c) An internalized history.
(d) An act of mourning.

5. How does Gilroy characterize identity?
(a) As an accomplishment that changes over time.
(b) As an essence that can be revealed by returning to roots.
(c) As the context that demands explanations and a sense of self.
(d) As a mask that is assumed for its benefits.

6. Whose challenges does Gilroy take up in the first section of the chapter?
(a) Ethnographers'.
(b) Black peoples'.
(c) Cultural studies'.
(d) Writers'.

7. What image does Gilroy use as an emblem of the experience his book will describe?
(a) The slave plantation.
(b) The slave ship.
(c) The livery coat.
(d) The hangman's noose.

8. What is the common memory for British blacks in Gilroy's opinion?
(a) Immigration.
(b) Africa.
(c) Poverty.
(d) Slavery.

9. What kind of political community does Gilroy say results from black musical society?
(a) Communist.
(b) Traditional.
(c) Socialist.
(d) Democratic.

10. What has been superseded by economic, social and cultural forces, according to Gilroy?
(a) Capitalism.
(b) Race.
(c) Socialism.
(d) The nation-state.

11. What function does the first chapter serve?
(a) Historical perspective.
(b) Anecdotal introduction.
(c) Humorous analogy.
(d) Conceptual background.

12. Why is this idea insufficient to modern reality, according to Gilroy?
(a) The vocabulary for oppressed people has been suppressed.
(b) The central definitions were all determined by the master race.
(c) The language of liberation has hidden contradictions.
(d) The history has been challenged for so long that no one knows what it is any longer.

13. What idea permeates slave consciousness, according to Gilroy?
(a) Freedom from history.
(b) Self-reliance.
(c) Revolutionary apocalypse.
(d) Salvation theology.

14. What role has music played in debates of modernity according to Gilroy?
(a) It has been central to definitions of modernity.
(b) It has been ignored.
(c) It has been dismissed as a popular form of commerce.
(d) It has defined the counter-culture.

15. How does Gilroy characterize the notion of racial purity?
(a) Tragic.
(b) Clearly absurd.
(c) Inescapable.
(d) Essential.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the concept of the Black Atlantic do to old notions of race, according to Gilroy?

2. What effect do international corporations have on black musical styles in Gilroy's opinion?

3. How does Gilroy describe Afro-Atlantic culture's place in Western culture?

4. What does Gilroy say the language of ethnic opposition typically does?

5. What kind of relation did Martin Robison Delany foresee between English capital, black American intellect and African labor?

(see the answer keys)

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