The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long did Hughes live in Washington D.C.?
(a) Three years.
(b) One year.
(c) Two years.
(d) Five years.

2. What was the name of Hughes's first novel?
(a) "Not Without Regrets."
(b) "Not Without Tribulations."
(c) "Not Without Laughter."
(d) "Not Without Tears."

3. What was unusual to Hughes about the Hamilton Club Lodge Ball at Rockland Plaza Casino?
(a) Women dress as men and men dress as women and prizes are awarded.
(b) Men dress up as women and the women in the room are spectators.
(c) Women invite the men to dance and have dinner with them.
(d) Women dress as men and are the asked to dance by the men.

4. Where did Hughes attend college at the height of the Negro Renaissance?
(a) Columbia University.
(b) Lincoln Universtiy.
(c) Howard University.
(d) New Yor University.

5. How did Hughes compare talking with Mr. Barnes about art?
(a) Like dining with a food critic.
(b) Like talking business with his father.
(c) Like taking a college class.
(d) Like drinking fine wine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What famous author wrote the book "cane?"

2. Where was Hughes robbed of his money and his passport?

3. Why did Hughes move to Washington D.C.?

4. What plantation did Hughes visit in Georgia on his way back east from New Orleans?

5. How was Bricktop Ada known among her followers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was hazing at Lincoln University? What kinds of things did hazing involve? What was Hughes's initiation ritual for his fraternity?

2. How did Hughes describe the wedding of Countee Cullen? Why was the wedding the talk of Harlem for a time? How was Hughes involved?

3. How did Hughes conclude his story of the racial survey at Lincoln? What changes did he witness at the school and in how many years?

4. What was "Shuffle Along" and why was it important in the history of the Black Renaissance in Harlem of the 1920s? Who were some of the important blacks associated with music in the 1920s in Harlem.

5. Who was Annette, and why was she fired from the Grand Duc? What happened on her last night at the club?

6. What did Florence do after the brawl at the Grand Duc? How did this affect the club and what did the owner finally do?

7. While he was still in college, how did Hughes meet the woman who was to become his patron? What story did Hughes tell about their first meeting?

8. Why did Hughes go to Washington D.C. after landing in New York?

9. What poem did Hughes submit to "Opportunity" magazine owned by the National Urban League? What was the poem about? What happened to the poem that changes Hughes's life?

10. How did Hughes compare Bricktop Ada Smith and Florence? How were the two women different?

(see the answer keys)

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