The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what incident did Hughes write the poem "African Fog?"
(a) Men singing while they loaded cattle onto the S.S.Malone.
(b) Black men singing as the captain rang evening bells.
(c) Black boatmen unloading cargo in the fog and singing their songs.
(d) Oarsmen singing as the S.S. Malone took up anchor and left the port.

2. Who did Hughes want to see performing at the Metropolitan Opera House upon his return to New York?
(a) Eleonora Duse.
(b) Eleonore Danton.
(c) Ilene Austin.
(d) Ellen Mayfield.

3. Who was the famous bullfighter visiting from Spain when Hughes was in Mexico?
(a) Matador Mejeres.
(b) Serijego Mattillas.
(c) Sanchez Mejias.
(d) Matador Huscalla.

4. What was the general atmosphere on the S.S. Malone during its journey on the coast of Africa?
(a) Mostly angry, hostile, and dangerous.
(b) Mostly jovial, friendly, and fun.
(c) Mostly boring, hot, and hostile.
(d) Mostly sad, meloncholy, and depressing.

5. Who were all but one of the six passengers aboard the S.S Malone?
(a) Spanish missionaries.
(b) English statesmen.
(c) Nordic missionaries.
(d) Dutch settlers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What souvenir did Hughes jump in the bullfighting ring just after the fight to get?

2. How many monkeys were on the S. S. Malone?

3. Where was George from?

4. How old was Hughes's little brother Kit when Hughes returned from Africa?

5. How much a night was the first room Hughes stayed in Paris?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Hughes convince his father to allow him to attend Columbia University in New York? When did Hughes leave Mexico for college?

2. What were James Hughes's plans for his son? How did they differ from what Hughes wanted for himself?

3. Where did Hughes find a more permanent job in Paris? What were his initial job duties? What important new perk did this job offer him?

4. What was Hughes's ethnic heritage? How did this affect his travels in Africa?

5. What were the three tragedies Hughes described happening in the village before his departure back to the states?

6. What were the contents of the one box Hughes brought with him on the ship? What was he thinking about as he threw the contents of the box off of the S.S. Malone into the ocean?

7. How did Hughes go about earning money in Mexico? What were his plans for the money he earned there?

8. Why did Hughes throw all of his books overboard while traveling to Africa? What did this act symbolize?

9. What happened aboard the S.S. Malone the week before the ship reached the Virgin Islands on its return to New York?

10. How long did it take Hughes to find work in Paris? What job did he finally get? What was his pay?

(see the answer keys)

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