The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What souvenir did Hughes jump in the bullfighting ring just after the fight to get?
(a) The matador's cape.
(b) Golden banderillas.
(c) The matador's hat.
(d) Golden sword handle.

2. Where did Hughes, his mother, and his grandmother go to meet his father?
(a) Kentucky.
(b) Cuba.
(c) California.
(d) Mexico.

3. Who was Mrs. Dorsey?
(a) The woman who taught Hughes poetry.
(b) The woman who hired Hughes at the flower store.
(c) The woman who rented Hughes a room in her home in Harlem.
(d) The woman who published Hughes' poetry.

4. Which of Hughes's relatives became Dean of the first law school at Howard University?
(a) His grandmother's brother.
(b) His grandfather's brother.
(c) His great uncle.
(d) His grandfather.

5. How did Hughes begin earning his own money while he lived with his father?
(a) He began training horses.
(b) He got a job in a store.
(c) He got a job cleaning stables.
(d) He began teaching English lessons.

Short Answer Questions

1. In whose honor was the first burial at sea Hughes participated in?

2. Who was Florence?

3. What was in the third box Nagary showed to Hughes and Pey the evening they spent in Burutu?

4. What did Hughes's father finally do for his son?

5. What happened to the men when the ship crossed the equator?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the ritual on the S.S. Malone when the ship crossed the equator?

2. Who was Jocko? Where did he come from? Where did he live?

3. Who was Florence Embry Jones? Who were some of the musicians Hughes heard because of Florence?

4. Who were the Reeds? Why did Hughes know them? What important event in Hughes's life as a young child happened while he knew the Reeds?

5. Where did Hughes find a more permanent job in Paris? What were his initial job duties? What important new perk did this job offer him?

6. What happened aboard the S.S. Malone the week before the ship reached the Virgin Islands on its return to New York?

7. How did Hughes go about earning money in Mexico? What were his plans for the money he earned there?

8. What was Hughes's life like during his senior year in high school, which was also the end of the war?

9. Who did Hughes stand in line to see at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York? What did he think of the performance?

10. What were James Hughes's plans for his son? How did they differ from what Hughes wanted for himself?

(see the answer keys)

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