The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Big Sea: An Autobiography Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Hughes say he loved his patron?
(a) She was a negative woman but she took interest in living things.
(b) She was thoughtful of him, interested in what he wanted to do, kind, and generous.
(c) She was a wealthy woman who spent her money on frivilous things.
(d) She was a beautiful, young, and intelligent woman.

2. What did Hughes refer to as the "years of Manhattan's black Renaissance"?
(a) The 1920's.
(b) The early 1900's.
(c) The 1930's.
(d) The turn of the century.

3. What college did Hughes cite as having an all-black faculty?
(a) Fisk.
(b) Urbana.
(c) Tuskegee.
(d) Grandlock.

4. What area of the country was discussed by Harlem artists as the new place to live?
(a) New Orleans.
(b) New Mexico.
(c) California.
(d) Atlanta.

5. Who was A'Lelia Walker?
(a) A patron of the arts who hired Hughes to write for her.
(b) A society woman who gave frequent and grand parties.
(c) A singer in a Harlem nightclub.
(d) The wife of an important politician.

6. What did an elderly graduate of Lincoln who had read Hughes's survey say to Hughes at his graduation?
(a) "If you break the social rules, you won't get anywhere."
(b) "The only way to catch flies is with honey."
(c) "You don't get things out of white folks that way."
(d) "You won't get any solutions that way."

7. Who did Hughes think of during his lunch with Mr. Barnes?
(a) His family in New York.
(b) His first poetry teacher at Columbia.
(c) His high school art teacher.
(d) His girlfriend Mary.

8. What happened to Hughes to make it possible for him to write "Not Without Laughter?"
(a) The financial support of his patron.
(b) He received a large royalty check for some of his poems.
(c) Fudnign from the Urban Leaugue.
(d) A grant from the NAACVP.

9. What were some of the stops Hughes's ship made while on its route to and from Havana?
(a) Jamaica, Haiti, or Panama.
(b) New York, Miami, or Key Largo.
(c) Jamaica, Key West, or Miami.
(d) Miami, Key West, or Panama.

10. Where did Bricktop Ada Smith come from?
(a) Newark.
(b) Harlem.
(c) New Orleans,
(d) Memphis.

11. What new hotel opened in New York, did not allow Negroes to work or to stay as guests, that inspired Hughes to write a poem about it?
(a) The Waldorf-Astoria.
(b) The Ritz Hotel.
(c) The Dorchester Hotel.
(d) The St. Regis Hotel.

12. Where did Hughes find a room in New Orleans when he returned from his sailing adventures?
(a) In the French Quarter near the Cathedral.
(b) On Rampart Street.
(c) On Esplanade Avenue.
(d) On Basin Street.

13. What did Hughes hope to prove in his study of Lincoln University?
(a) That having an all white faculty made students feel secure.
(b) That having no black men on the faculty was good for the students' education.
(c) That there were no competent black instructors at the school.
(d) That having an all white faculty was fostering an inferiority complex in black men.

14. How did Hughes meet the woman who was to become his patron?
(a) The Sprinarns referred him to her.
(b) He met her at the Lincoln University library.
(c) He was introduced to her by a friend in New York.
(d) He met her at the Metropolitian Opera House.

15. Who were Luigi and Romeo?
(a) The barman and the waiter of the Grand Duc.
(b) Two friends of Bricktop Ada Smith.
(c) The two owners of the Grand Duc.
(d) Two men with whom Hughes shared an apartment building.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Hughes describe the cockroaches in New Orleans?

2. What was the name of the ship Hughes found in New Orleans traveling to Havana?

3. Who sang at A'Lelia Walker's funeral?

4. What was Bruce the chef's reaction to being fired from the Grand Duc?

5. What did Hughes by in a shop on Poydras Street that found him on his way to Havana the next day?

(see the answer keys)

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