The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Test | Final Test - Easy

Barbara Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Test | Final Test - Easy

Barbara Robinson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what adjective do Mother and Father agree when describing Mary having to give birth to Jesus in a stable?
(a) Disgraceful.
(b) Awe-inspiring.
(c) Sad.
(d) Humble.

2. How does Imogene feel about Mother's announcement that the pageant will use a doll for the role of Jesus?
(a) She is pleased because dolls do not bite.
(b) She is sad because her heart had been set on a real baby.
(c) She is angry because she wants to borrow her neighbor's baby.
(d) She is pleased because dolls do not spit up.

3. What topic do the Herdman siblings research during their first visit to the library?
(a) Herod.
(b) Bethlehem.
(c) The Wise Men.
(d) Christmas.

4. How many rehearsals in total does Mother say will take place before the pageant performance?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 10.
(d) 8.

5. The narrator proclaims that it does not seem right for Father to be on the same side as whom?
(a) Mother.
(b) Reverend Hopkins.
(c) Mrs. Wendleken.
(d) The Herdmans.

6. How often does Mrs. Armstrong call the narrator's mother from her hospital bed?
(a) Every other day.
(b) Every day.
(c) Twice a week.
(d) Five times a day.

7. The narrator states that "the Herdmans started out mean, right from" (59) what?
(a) Their first breaths.
(b) The cradle.
(c) The stroller.
(d) Their first screams.

8. What kind of expression does Alice have on her face when she answers Mother's query about Alice's behavior during the assigning of pageant roles?
(a) She looks uncertain.
(b) She looks sheepish.
(c) She looks scared.
(d) She looks mad.

9. By the time all of the parts are assigned in the narrative, most of the actors have what last name?
(a) Hopkins.
(b) Armstrong.
(c) Herdman.
(d) Wendelken.

10. What happens while the fire department is inside the church and the evacuated civilians are waiting outside?
(a) A thunderstorm begins.
(b) A taxi cab nearly runs over one of the church members.
(c) The applesauce cake burns up.
(d) The church's pet rabbit runs into the road.

11. What action eventually taken by a Herdman sibling is said by the narrator to be "the one great big sinful thing Alice" (66) had been hoping for?
(a) Ralph setting off fireworks.
(b) Ollie cheating on a test.
(c) Imogene burning down the church.
(d) Imogene smoking a cigar.

12. What does the narrator finally decide when she is trying to figure out why someone would write down every bad action taken by the Herdman siblings?
(a) She thinks that it must feel good to Gladys to see evidence of the Herdman siblings' evil-doing in black-and-white.
(b) She thinks that it must feel good to Alice to see evidence of the Herdman siblings' evil-doing in black-and-white.
(c) She thinks that it must feel good to Mother to see evidence of the Herdman siblings' evil-doing in black-and-white.
(d) She thinks that it must feel good to Mrs. Wendleken to see evidence of the Herdman siblings' evil-doing in black-and-white.

13. What does the narrator mean when she says Mother told her "not to be so fresh" (26)?
(a) Mother told the narrator not to use so much hand soap.
(b) Mother told the narrator not to talk back.
(c) Mother told the narrator not be so quick to judge people.
(d) Mother told the narrator not to be so prim and proper.

14. Which character voices the concern that no one may come to see the pageant?
(a) Charlie.
(b) Reverend Hopkins.
(c) Ralph.
(d) Father.

15. What does Mother tell Charlie when he says he does not want to be a shepherd and will become sick if she forces him?
(a) She tells Charlie to mind his own business.
(b) She tells Charlie he will not get sick.
(c) She tells Charlie to adjust his attitude.
(d) She tells Charlie not to be dramatic.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mrs. Wendleken uses what adjective to describe Mother's decision to allow a Herdman to play the role of Mary?

2. At the end of Mother's story to Father about the first pageant rehearsal, what conclusion does she draw about the Herdman siblings?

3. Which of the Wise Men does Leroy play in the pageant?

4. What object does Ollie have to have surgically removed from his ear?

5. When Father asks his family what had "finally happened to Herod" (50), what do they decide is the answer?

(see the answer keys)

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