The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Beginning Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Klaus tell Justice Strauss to make sure Sunny doesn't eat?
(a) Marbles
(b) Bugs
(c) Dirt
(d) Weeds

2. What picture does Violet have that almost makes her give up before she even tries to throw the grappling hook?
(a) Klaus and Sunny both dangling in cages
(b) The though of Count Olaf catching her
(c) The thought of falling
(d) Her blowing in the wind while on the rope

3. What does Count Olaf demand to have before the children start their chores?
(a) Their shoes
(b) The law book
(c) Lunch
(d) A nap

4. Where does Violet get injured while throwing the grappling hook?
(a) Leg
(b) Head
(c) Back
(d) Shoulder

5. What is Violet's costume in the play?
(a) A satin yellow dress
(b) A cotton itchy dress
(c) A velvet red dress
(d) A lacy white dress

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Klaus' costume for the play?

2. What does Klaus find when he tries to uncover Sunny to wake her up?

3. In the story that Violet found, who did a woman leave her money to instead of her three sons?

4. What does Violet see Sunny is held in?

5. Why doesn't Violet tell Klaus about her plan?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Justice Strauss' response when Violet and Klaus ask her if she is excited about being in Olaf's play in Chapter 7?

2. What does the narrator tell the audience that they would find in his room as he describes it in Chapter 11?

3. What does the hook-handed man tell Klaus in Chapter 7 that frightens Klaus?

4. What is Count Olaf's response in Chapter 8 when Klaus calls him a terrible man?

5. Describe what Count Olaf says and Violet thinks when he is asking her if it would be so bad being married to him in Chapter 8?

6. What is Justice Strauss' reaction when she sees the children before they go on in Chapter 12?

7. What are the costumes that Klaus and Violet are put into for 'The Marvelous Marriage'?

8. Describe the scene in Chapter 8 where Count Olaf walks the children out to see where Sunny is being held.

9. Describe the scene in Chapter 8 where Klaus goes to wake up Violet and explain Olaf's plan.

10. What is it that Violet's parents told her when they brought both Klaus, and later, Sunny, home from the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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