The Bad Beginning Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Beginning Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mr. Poe say that the Baudelaires' parents most likely never invited Count Olaf over?
(a) They hated dinner parties
(b) Their parents wanted to keep him a surprise
(c) Count Olaf was excentric
(d) Count Olaf was busy

2. What do the children say that they have been unable to find in Count Olaf's home?
(a) A washing machine
(b) A cooking pot
(c) A book
(d) A mop

3. What does Count Olaf say that the theater troupe and himself should do in order to enjoy their meal?
(a) Order out
(b) Have the children cook something else
(c) Throw it out
(d) Get drunk

4. What does Count Olaf tell the children to do before they step inside?
(a) Take off their coats
(b) Take off their shoes
(c) Wipe their feet
(d) Watch the steps

5. What does Mr. Poe say must happen before the Baudelaire money can be used?
(a) Sunny must turn 21
(b) Klaus must marry
(c) The children must die
(d) Violet must come of age

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Violet suggest she can do to help with Count Olaf's play?

2. What does Sunny enjoy doing?

3. What does Violet say she would like a book on?

4. What is in the corner of Strauss' personal library that doesn't contain books?

5. What does Sunny do while Violet and Klaus prepare the meal?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Violet suggest they do in Chapter 5 while they are chopping wood? What is Klaus' reaction?

2. What does Violet give as the reason she should not participate in the Marvelous Marriage?

3. What is the response of Violet and Klaus when they are told they will be leaving the Poe household?

4. Describe the children's sleeping conditions at Count Olaf's home.

5. Describe the Baudelaire children's response when they first meet Justice Strauss.

6. Describe how the story of the Baudelaire children is introduced.

7. What do Count's guests say when they find that Count is disciplining the children?

8. How does Count Olaf's house look when the children first see it?

9. What is the children's response in Chapter 1 when they hear that their parents have just died?

10. Describe the scene after Olaf and his troupe leave the house to go to their performance.

(see the answer keys)

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