The Bad Beginning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Beginning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the children do to figuratively escape Count Olaf's home?
(a) Read
(b) Daydream
(c) Go to Justice Strauss' house
(d) Sleep

2. What does Violet say she would like a book on?
(a) Hair and make-up
(b) Engineering
(c) Fairy tales
(d) Running away

3. What is the only decoration in the children's room?
(a) A sculpture of an eye
(b) A statue of Count Olaf
(c) A picture of a house burning
(d) A painting of an eye

4. What does the theater troupe do when they are ready to have dinner?
(a) Begin stomping their feet
(b) Begin pounding on the table
(c) Hit their cups with their knives
(d) Yelling for food

5. What happens to the beach when it is sunny and nice?
(a) The children get cranky
(b) It is too hot
(c) It is very crowded
(d) The sun reflects off the waves

6. What does Violet call Count Olaf while trying to keep him from getting mad when she tries to refuse to take part in the play?
(a) Master
(b) Mr. Count Olaf, Lord and Master
(c) Father
(d) Kind Sir

7. What do the children see on the wall when they step into Count Olaf's house?
(a) Moose head
(b) A billy bass
(c) A large sword
(d) Stuffed lion's head

8. What does Sunny do to Justice Strauss?
(a) Hits her with a pan
(b) Kicks her
(c) Bites her hard
(d) Bites her gently

9. Who do the children see coming towards them?
(a) Mrs. Poe
(b) Count Olaf
(c) Their parents
(d) Mr. Poe

10. What does Justice Strauss show the children that excites them?
(a) A private library
(b) A room for the children to stay in
(c) A play room
(d) Books on adoption

11. What does Count Olaf tell the children that he wants them to do in order to feel more at home with him?
(a) Come watch the play
(b) Participate in his play
(c) Put their names on the stationary
(d) Paint thier bedrooms

12. What reason does Olaf give the children for asking Justice Strauss to play the judge in his play?
(a) Because she works for cheap
(b) Because he likes her
(c) To be neighborly
(d) To make the play more authentic

13. What does Sunny do when Count Olaf picks her up?
(a) Giggles
(b) Hits him with a spoon
(c) Cries
(d) Bites him

14. Why does Mr. Poe say that the Baudelaires' parents most likely never invited Count Olaf over?
(a) Count Olaf was excentric
(b) They hated dinner parties
(c) Count Olaf was busy
(d) Their parents wanted to keep him a surprise

15. What do the children realize Count Olaf isn't wearing?
(a) Socks
(b) Dentures
(c) Underwear
(d) Shirt

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Mr. Poe not home very much?

2. Where does Klaus say he would rather take his chances than with Count Olaf?

3. What does Justice Strauss tell Violet they can come help her do sometime?

4. What does Violet have to drop in order to take Klaus' hand?

5. What does Count Olaf ask for when he enters the kitchen?

(see the answer keys)

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