The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Mr. Mason's fear regarding the House of Representatives?
(a) He feared that it would be run by illiterate farmers.
(b) He feared that it did not have enough power to combat the executive.
(c) He feared that it was not truly representative.
(d) He feared that it would not be able to compete with the Senate.

2. What is the current residency requirement for citizenship?
(a) 4 years residence.
(b) American birth.
(c) 7 years residence.
(d) 10 years residence.

3. What fear kept the delegates from approving the Constitution draft and going home?
(a) Fear that slavery will divide the nation.
(b) Fear that the states are conspiring against the federal government.
(c) Fear that Britain will ally with Spain against America.
(d) Fear that the federal government has too much power.

4. What does James Madison argue on the question of suffrage?
(a) He thought that universal suffrage should triumph.
(b) He thought that suffrage restrictions were a step toward monarchy.
(c) He thought that universal suffrage would ruin the government.
(d) He thought that suffrage restrictions were regrettable but necessary.

5. How did Patrick Henry describe fear?
(a) As the restraint of the wise.
(b) As the enemy to reason.
(c) As the passion of slaves.
(d) As the paralyzing emotion.

Short Answer Questions

1. What limitation did delegates try to place on suffrage?

2. What did the Pennsylvania dissenters recommend to the Constitutional Convention?

3. What did "Federal Farmer" complain about in his second letter?

4. What was Mr. Gerry's fear regarding the ratification of the Constitution?

5. What did "Federal Farmer" say the framers of the Constitution ultimately wanted?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was added to the draft of the Constitution?

2. What were the different views on the question of ratification of the Constitution?

3. What were the "Federal Farmer's" arguments regarding ratification?

4. What were the proposals for the requirements for citizenship?

5. What did the dissenters say after losing the ratification vote in the Pennsylvania convention?

6. Describe Patrick Henry's first speech to the Virginia legislature.

7. What was John DeWitt's argument regarding the will of the people?

8. What was DeWitt's position on ratification?

9. How did the signing of the Constitution go?

10. Describe James Wilson's speech.

(see the answer keys)

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