The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Anti-Federalist Papers; and, the Constitutional Convention Debates Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does James Madison argue on the question of suffrage?
(a) He thought that suffrage restrictions were a step toward monarchy.
(b) He thought that universal suffrage should triumph.
(c) He thought that universal suffrage would ruin the government.
(d) He thought that suffrage restrictions were regrettable but necessary.

2. What were supporters of the residency requirement for citizenship afraid of?
(a) They were afraid that the national interest would be subverted by foreigners.
(b) They were afraid that the states would be able to suppress immigrant votes.
(c) They were afraid that uneducated people would vote in large numbers.
(d) They were afraid that immigrants would send too much money back to their homelands.

3. What compromise did the Northeast states reach with Georgia and South Carolina over slavery?
(a) That northern states will legalize slavery if southern states will prohibit importation of slaves.
(b) New England would not restrict slavery if the southern states will not require 2/3 majority to pass commercial restrictions.
(c) That northern states will not regulate slavery for fifty years, if southern states will abolish it themselves in that time.
(d) Northern states will regulate slavery if southern states will have lower tariffs on exported raw materials.

4. Which delegate expressed his regrets about not signing the Constitution?
(a) Mr. Williamson.
(b) Mr. Mason.
(c) Mr. Gerry.
(d) Mr. Hamilton.

5. What was the vote tally when the Pennsylvania Convention voted on the Constitution?
(a) 46-23.
(b) 35-34.
(c) 36-33.
(d) 51-18.

6. What did Mr. Williamson advocate for the term length on the election or appointment of the executive?
(a) Four year terms for the executive, with a chance of reelection.
(b) Seven year terms for the executive, with a chance of reelection
(c) Seven year terms for the executive, without reelection.
(d) Lifetime appointments for the executive.

7. What reason did Alexander Hamilton give for ratification of the Constitution?
(a) Good government cannot compete with subordinate governments.
(b) Good government needs to be energetic.
(c) Good government needs to be deliberative.
(d) Good government needs to be representative.

8. What was eliminated from the Constitution draft?
(a) Laws governing territories and provinces.
(b) Protections against taxes on slavery.
(c) Restriction on imports.
(d) Property qualifications for office.

9. Where else did the question of proposing limitations arise, besides the debate over suffrage?
(a) Qualifications for traveling abroad.
(b) Qualifications for owning property.
(c) Requirements for serving in the military.
(d) Qualifications for holding office.

10. What did James Wilson argue regarding the abolition of trial by jury at the federal level?
(a) He said that it would be compensated by strong protections at the state level.
(b) He said that trial by military tribunal was just as fair.
(c) He said it was not a general problem.
(d) He said that there would not be many cases where this applied.

11. What did "Centinel" argue on the danger of checks and balances?
(a) He argued that checks and balances would paralyze the government.
(b) He argued that checks and balances would create an endless torrent of inter-branch lawsuits.
(c) He argued that checks and balances would make the government slow to respond to military threats.
(d) He argued that checks and balances would obscure corruption and tyranny.

12. What position was James Wilson asked to take in the Constitutional debate?
(a) He was asked to argue for additions to the Constitution.
(b) He was asked to defend the Constitution.
(c) He was asked to promote revisions of the Constitution.
(d) He was asked to attack opponents of the Constitution.

13. What did Rhode Island propose to ban?
(a) Checks and balances.
(b) Restrictions on inter-state trade.
(c) Political contributions from businesses.
(d) Standing armies in peacetime.

14. What did "Federal Farmer" see as a danger in the Constitution?
(a) It prevented the states from adapting to political conditions.
(b) It would be protected by soldiers who were paid by the federal government.
(c) It reserved the right to be amended over time.
(d) Its powers were not listed explicitly.

15. What did "Federal Farmer" complain about in his second letter?
(a) That there is no bill of rights.
(b) The government could impose too many taxes.
(c) The government was allowed to do anything it felt necessary to govern.
(d) The Supreme Court had too much power.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did opponents to the suffrage limitation argue?

2. What symbol did Benjamin Franklin remark on, on the President's chair?

3. What did Patrick Henry say was the end of government?

4. What was Mr. Mason's fear regarding the House of Representatives?

5. What limitation did delegates try to place on suffrage?

(see the answer keys)

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