The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens & Rome Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Peter Connolly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens & Rome Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Peter Connolly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. To protect its food supply, Athens decides they require a strong navy, the architect of which is this person.

2. The Panathenaic Games are only for these people.

3. The final day of the festival is devoted to this.

4. Juries in Athens for criminal trials have a range of members that include this many people.

5. Over half the population of Attica are this.

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain the great procession to the Acropolis.

2. Describe the various rooms located within Athenian households, using the book as your guide.

3. Explain the marriage process, including the betrothal and the procession.

4. Compare and contrast the upbringing of young boys and girls in Athens.

5. Describe the political structure of fifth century Athens, and include the Agora and stoas.

6. Explain how Attica provides food and water the the people. What systems are in place?

7. Explain the change to comedy in the fourth century.

8. Who are the Greek pantheon, and what are their roles.

9. Explain the rumor behind the tent of Xerxes.

10. Describe the banking process in Athens, and the money used.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Palaces are also discussed in detail in the book, particularly relating to the palaces of Rome. Discuss the Roman palaces, and include information about various rooms, their names, their functions, and the position of those in relation to one another. Further, discuss decoration that exists within the palaces. Try to incorporate all aspects of Roman life that apply.

Essay Topic 2

The great baths were another of Rome's greatest legacies to culture. These baths were highly advanced, and served several purposes for the Roman citizens. Please write a complete explanation of the baths, including their purpose, building design, water supply, sweat baths, hot and cold water baths, massage areas, and exercise areas.

Essay Topic 3

Trajan's markets is one of the largest architectural endeavors of Trajan's reign. Discuss this market, including its use, size, purpose, and layout. Include items the customers might shop for, where they might eat, and items they may choose to purchase. Again, be as detailed as possible, and include information from other areas of the book to complete your answer.

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