The Age of Wire and String Test | Final Test - Easy

Ben Marcus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Age of Wire and String Test | Final Test - Easy

Ben Marcus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A ________ walks among the people and kills them.
(a) Spirit.
(b) Father.
(c) Boy.
(d) Mother.

2. The ______ speeds up in accordance with the speed at which cloth is chewed, according to the story.
(a) Sky.
(b) Ocean.
(c) Thought.
(d) Clouds.

3. Dogs depend on the principle that ________ expand when heated.
(a) Food bowls.
(b) Air bubbles.
(c) People.
(d) Fluids.

4. What is secret in this new place, as it is described in this section of the book?
(a) Moving.
(b) Eating.
(c) Reading.
(d) Sleeping.

5. A _______ gun is a tool that is used to punch holes in the skin.
(a) Monkey.
(b) Cloud.
(c) Hair.
(d) Wind.

6. A number of girls have burned while using a ________ to transmit religious things.
(a) Pencil.
(b) Speaker.
(c) Stone.
(d) Wire.

7. ________ is impossible in a severe storm from Mrs. Marcus, unless a small house is made out of a boy's hair.
(a) Survival.
(b) Blindness.
(c) Hearing.
(d) Standing.

8. The boy also has another animal, named _________, that has been shaved.
(a) Trudy.
(b) Marilu.
(c) Monk.
(d) Cheeser.

9. In ________ medicine, arm playing can become very complicated, according to the author.
(a) Western.
(b) Playground.
(c) Oriental.
(d) Child.

10. Written forms of winter are changed through a precise ____________.
(a) Wind.
(b) Meaning.
(c) Persistence.
(d) Methodology.

11. The author apologizes to the _________ for digging, even though the burials were initiated by this same person.
(a) Mother.
(b) Father.
(c) God.
(d) Boy.

12. There is a system of detecting the position of things, including birds, by filling their mouths with _________.
(a) Wind.
(b) Cloth.
(c) Water.
(d) Lies.

13. A small boy is an assistant who takes care of a giant _________ that eats air.
(a) Wire.
(b) Cat.
(c) Bird.
(d) Dog.

14. What is another name for the electric cell that is described in #149?
(a) Wire boy.
(b) Flip wire.
(c) Wire string.
(d) Wire man.

15. The girl in the river is used to calibrate what the author calls a __________ balance.
(a) Sexism.
(b) Drowning.
(c) Power.
(d) Witness.

Short Answer Questions

1. _________ is the process in which one might weld normally replaceable parts, according to descriptions in this section.

2. _________ is described as a eulogy that is delivered beside a grave, according to this section of the stories.

3. The boy lives in a big house and buries ________ when the item he is in charge of caring for goes away for the day.

4. The __________ is described as a triangular opening between the steering wheel and the street.

5. _______ is a summons issued to those who serve in what the author calls the animal forces.

(see the answer keys)

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