The Adventures of Augie March Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Augie March Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Sophie stops dating Augie, how many weeks does she have before her wedding to another man?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 6 weeks.
(c) 8 weeks.
(d) 4 weeks.

2. How long did Clem urge Augie to wait before proposing to Stella?
(a) Nine months.
(b) Twelve months.
(c) Six months.
(d) Three months.

3. Who acts as Augie's boss while working for the CIO?
(a) Mr. Grammick.
(b) Mr. Potter.
(c) Mr Dayserton.
(d) Mr. Diggler.

4. What does Thea throw at Caligula after watching his first fight with a live iguana?
(a) Treats.
(b) Rocks.
(c) Dirt.
(d) Shoes.

5. Who tells Augie that Stella is a pathological liar?
(a) Kayo.
(b) Simon.
(c) Frazer.
(d) Clem.

6. What nickname does Moulton give Augie?
(a) Doling.
(b) Boling.
(c) Moling.
(d) Coling.

7. Which of the following women is the first woman Augie claims to have known who does not play mind games?
(a) Esther.
(b) Thea.
(c) Mimi.
(d) Sophie.

8. What organization is the CIO in direct competition with?
(a) The KDF.
(b) The PMG.
(c) The OMG.
(d) The AFL.

9. What is Leon Trotsky's nickname to the men who are trying to assassinate him?
(a) The Black Panther.
(b) The Hell's Angel.
(c) The Golden Fox.
(d) The Old Man.

10. What color is Thea's apartment?
(a) White.
(b) Pink.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Black.

11. Which of the following plans is NOT one Augie makes to "align with the axial lines of the universe"?
(a) Get a 9-5 office job.
(b) Marry the right woman.
(c) Raised depraved children.
(d) Move to a farm.

12. How do Augie and Thea travel to Texarkana?
(a) By car.
(b) By plane.
(c) By train.
(d) By boat.

13. How does Simon treat the staff at the poker club he attends?
(a) He treats them professionally.
(b) He treats them kindly.
(c) He ignores them.
(d) He treats them rudely.

14. What is the name of the ship Augie boards after his honeymoon?
(a) The MacIntosh.
(b) The MacManus.
(c) The MacDonald.
(d) The MacAvoy.

15. Why is Augie not eligible to enlist in the army?
(a) Because he is too short.
(b) Because he has a hernia.
(c) Because he has flat feet.
(d) Because his eyesight is poor.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who suggests that Augie get the job working for the CIO?

2. Where is Momma living when Augie returns home from Mexico City?

3. What type of car does Simon drive when he picks Augie up from the airport?

4. What type of animal does Thea hope to hunt when she and Augie move abroad?

5. What did Mintouchian's wife, Agnes, fraudulently receive insurance money for?

(see the answer keys)

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