Strata Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Strata Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Macro initially not like about Silver?

2. What was the profession of Marco's real parents?

3. The Great Spindle Kings were believed to have what capability?

4. What does Kin initially like about Silver?

5. The native people agree to do what for Kin and her companions?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the steps Kin goes through to get to the ship after she arrives at Kung.

2. According to Joel, what are the consequences of the forgery of day bills? What does Joel do as a result?

3. Why does Kin feel conflicted about going with Jago?

4. What are Kin's interests, outside of her work?

5. What is Marco's background, and what does he believe about himself?

6. What does each character do during the journey to the flat planet?

7. What things are unusual about the ship that Jago arranged for the expedition?

8. What evidence does Jago produce to back up his claims about the flat planet?

9. How does Jago die?

10. What does a watcher do, and what is required of a watcher?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

At the end of the novel, it is revealed that the planet must be managed and maintained by the action of a human operator, the "Disc Master," who controls the machinery of the planet and manages its day to day activity. It is a position of huge responsibility that Kin accepts at the end of the story.

Part 1) Explain who the Disc Master is and why he is necessary for the planet's operation. Why would the planet's creators incorporate this feature into the planet's design?

Part 2) Describe what the Disc Master's usual duties might be on a day to day basis. What unusual types of situations would call for special care?

Part 3) Kin eventually accepts the role of Disc Master. Would this be an easy thing for most people to accept? What qualities would make a person a good candidate for becoming the Disc Master? Will Kin make a good Disc Master?

Essay Topic 2

Immortality is an important component of the universe of the novel. It has saved humanity and allowed the Company to wield vast power over its employees and the entire race.

Part 1) Explain the context of immortality in fiction. What other influential stories include immortality, and how does this affect the plot of those stories? What are common perceptions about and themes surrounding immortality?

Part 2) In this story, how has immortality affected the human race as a whole. Is this change realistic and believable?

Part 3) How does immortality affect the characters and the plot of the novel? Is it an important part of the story? Why or why not?

Part 4) Taken as a whole, have the Company's treatments been good or bad for humanity? Are they good or bad for the main characters?

Essay Topic 3

Jago Jalo is an interesting character about whom little is known. Most of his story must be interpolated from a small amount of information in the novel.

Part 1) What was Jago like before he was sent out on the Terminus project? Think about what sort of qualities would qualify someone for a difficult task like this, and what would make a person volunteer for the duty.

Part 2) What were Jago's adventures on the planet like after he crashed? Why was he not accepted as Disc Master, and how was he able to get off the planet?

Part 3) What was Jago's plan upon returning to the planet?

(see the answer keys)

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