Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Storming Heaven: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Denise Giardina
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does C.J. send Rondal to talk to Dr. Booker?
(a) He wants Booker to talk Rondal out of medical school.
(b) He wants Rondal to meet Booker's daughter.
(c) He sees that Rondal has an interest in science.
(d) He thinks there is something wrong with Rondal.

2. How does Rondal do in his school work?
(a) He does poorly.
(b) He does very well.
(c) He is about average.
(d) He is inconsistent in his studies.

3. What do the railroad companies claim about the answer in question #3?
(a) The have legal ownership.
(b) They have more rights then private citizens.
(c) They need the laborers to lay track.
(d) They can put their tracks wherever they need them.

4. Why do Talcott and Pricie elope?
(a) He gets more money as a married man.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) Her father won't let her marry.
(d) They don't want to spend the money on a wedding.

5. Where do Clabe and his family live?
(a) In town in an apartment.
(b) In a company shack.
(c) In their family farmhouse.
(d) In a shanty town outside the city.

6. What does Carrie's Aunt Becka say about her that upsets her?
(a) That she is unattractive.
(b) That she is clumsy.
(c) That she is slow.
(d) That she will have to marry soon.

7. What does Rondal recite one time from school when C.J. visits?
(a) The Bill of Rights.
(b) The laws about eminent domain.
(c) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
(d) Portion of the Declaration of Independence.

8. Why did Rosa cry as a child?
(a) For a butterfly she accidentally harmed.
(b) Because her mother died.
(c) When she broke her arm.
(d) When her brother left for war.

9. What does Rondal ask the United Mineworkers for in a letter?
(a) Lower union dues.
(b) A position in the union headquarters.
(c) Better representation.
(d) An organizer.

10. To where does Carrie invite Lloyd to dinner?
(a) To Miles' house.
(b) To her sister's hosue.
(c) To her house.
(d) To a restaurant in town.

11. How many children does C.J. have of his own?
(a) Two.
(b) One.
(c) Four.
(d) Three.

12. What do the club members discover when they return to their office?
(a) The room is bare.
(b) All the windows are broken.
(c) The building has burned down.
(d) The printing press has been destroyed.

13. What does Miles tell Carrie about Lloyd?
(a) He is married.
(b) He has been discovered to be an organizer.
(c) He has two children.
(d) He is working under a false name.

14. What is the name of Carrie Bishop's family farm?
(a) Abundance.
(b) Place of Peace.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Homeplace.

15. What does Rondal say about C.J. and Booker in relation to miners?
(a) Miners don't believe in socialism.
(b) Miners are against their partnership.
(c) Miners consider them outsiders.
(d) Miners think they are too rich to care.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where has Rondal moved?

2. How does C.J.'s grandfather address him?

3. How does Ben feel about Carrie's sister, Flora?

4. Who severely injured Francesco?

5. Who does C.J. marry in 1901?

(see the answer keys)

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